Bible games, including online ones like Heroes II, have lots to offer aside from pleasure and feeling young again. Here are the best reasons why they are great in education:
Bible games lead us to God, teaching and helping us how to read God’s words.
For educators, encouraging students to enjoy reading is relevant because it is the foundation of all subjects. Bible games lead players to read the Scriptures with joy.
In fact, the Holy Book says that it can teach, rebuke, correct, and train its readers to be righteous workers.
Bible games increase brain development.
Our brain is one major body part that is needed and affected in learning. Studies have shown that games improve brain growth by stimulation.
Australian and Chinese researchers found out that as a person plays, his gray matter in the brain grows, establishing new neural connections. Games serve as a fun workout that speeds up connectivity in the brain.
The gray matter helps in memories and perception, which are essential in effective learning.
Bible games enhance problem-solving skills.
Psychiatrist Susan Linn remarked, “Play is the foundation of learning, creativity, self-expression, and constructive problem-solving. It’s how children wrestle with life to make it meaningful.”
Games are not only for pure pleasure. They actually somehow polish skills in the player, especially in multi-level and mission-based games. The ‘problems’ along the game journey would require solutions, thus stimulating critical-thinking in the player.
The American Psychological Association presented that games also polish decision-making skills, planning, and organization.
We can see this during Bible games when the instructions are being set out. Before making any move, players think carefully to make sure that they follow the rules. And while playing, they need to make split-second decisions that will ascertain if they will advance to the next level.
Above all, Bible games point out that there is one solution for all the problems in this world today—Jesus!
Bible games relieve stress.
We live in a hectic world with stress in every corner. Plays are a powerful way to destress.
According to Frontiers in Psychology, though games do not cause a better heart rhythm, they correlate in relieving stress. Such fun workouts boost the mood and even reduce the adrenaline response by more than 50%. Adrenaline is the hormone responsible for fight-or-flight reactions.
With the impact of play on the body, anxiety is put off.
When one plays a Bible game, he gets to experience all these, and he is encouraged to be resilient in failure’s face.
Bible games enhance memory.
Memory plays a significant role in the learning process.
In playing games, instructions are divulged at the beginning. Players need to remember the rules set therein throughout the entire activity. It’s a simple move, but it helps reduce mental decline. Thus, adults need to have time for play too. Bible games are the best choice.
As a person plays and his memory is sharpened, his aging process is slowed down. It paves a broader way for flexible thinking and improved concentration and attention. Both short-term and long-term memories are strengthened.
Biblically speaking, there is One who helps us in our memory—the Holy Spirit. He is a Teacher who would remind us of God’s lessons (John 14:26).
Bible Games develop better social skills.
Columbia University has shown in their research that players exhibit better social skills, especially for multiplayer games. The collaborative component of the activity promotes teamwork, nurtures and strengthens relationships. Moreover, games are also avenues to meet and gain new friends.
Social skills are relevant to the learning process. Again and again, we know and believe that no man is an island.
Bible games promote activity.
Yes, to an active lifestyle!
Obviously, some games really require significant movements. But even online or video games make a person active, contrary to the familiar picture of a couch potato. Games stimulate the whole body’s level of interaction.
Gross and fine motor skills are refined.
Bible games help curb addictive vices.
As games entail concentration, these are a better option for keeping away from vices.
And if God’s life-changing Word and Spirit is added into the game, how powerful will that be!
Bible games boost the confidence to reach goals.
In playing games, persistence is a must. A player doesn’t just stop when he fails. Instead, he becomes challenged to redo the activity, do better, and be more confident working towards his goal.
When a player fails, he learns from his mistake and avoids committing such the next round he plays. For a gamer, the misstep is a learning opportunity.
Neurologist Judy Willis explained that this happens because games activate more production of dopamine. This neurotransmitter causes deep satisfaction to the player. It even serves as an analgesic, easing someone in pain.
The main aim of Bible games is for players to learn more and reach humanity’s ultimate goal—be one with Jesus!
Bible games improve focus.
Focus is also an essential element in learning. Some critics would say that games are a distraction (some would even say, destruction).
But research says otherwise. APA studies confirm this. According to them, play enhances coordination. Even online games can impart this benefit. The activities and actions on the screen entail lots of mental stimulation. So in playing, a gamer needs to coordinate his physical movements with his visual and audial capacity. And all these need and polish focus.
The best thing about Bible games is that they focus our focus on our Master Teacher, who can teach us the best lessons in life. He can help us with everything. Without Him, we learn nothing; we are nothing.
Play, No Matter What Age!
Psychologist Theresa A. Kestly stated that human brains are built to benefit from play regardless of age. Paul Torrance also writes that curiosity, which is the instinct of play, is a natural guide to learning. If you are a Bible teacher or you would like to study the Scripture more effectively, promote and engage with games that deliberately teach biblical contents.
Not only are you playing, but you are benefitting spiritual, physical, mental, social, and emotional maturation. It is basically active learning.
Have you heard about the Fun Theory?
Fun is the best and easiest method to promote better change in people’s behavior.
Bible students learn about God beyond head knowledge, beyond religion. Teachers are “ice breakers.” By relying on the Holy Spirit’s work and investing time and effort in strategically and accurately communicating God’s life-changing Word, they make a difference.
Have you been fulfilling Deuteronomy 31:12? Try incorporating Bible games in your teaching style and be blessed while blessing your students.
This GUEST POST was sponsored by Heroes II : The Game is a Bible trivia game released by the Seventh-day Adventist Church and Hope Channel. It is a sequel to the game, Heroes, which was released way back in 2013. The latest game version is on its new 3D animation, comes with unique features, and has more challenging Bible questions in four languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, and French. The game is available on both iOS and Android.
Searching for Youth Group Games? Discover thousands of turn-key resources at Download Youth Ministry.