The Download Youth Ministry Blog/
13 Feb 2025

More than a Shoebox

By |2025-02-13T14:28:24-08:00February 13th, 2025|Youth Ministry Ideas|1 Comment

Vacation Bible School is always so much fun! My church always had lights, plenty of food, dancing, and songs. And throughout the six-day event, the gospel was shared. It’s not much different in Peru.

Today, Josh and I headed out for The Greatest Journey event. This is the real “meat and potatoes” of Operation Christmas Child.

We walked into a church that had received its shoeboxes a week prior, and they were having what we know as Vacation Bible School! Costumes, dancing, and lessons were all part of it. They call it The Greatest Journey (TGJ)!

The TGJ curriculum is provided by Samaritan’s Purse and is taught to the kids over 12 days.

Passing out the shoeboxes is special for everyone, but the churches in Peru have stepped up, turning it into two incredible weeks of lessons and VBS for the kids.

As we stood in the back, towering over the children, we saw a beautiful picture—kids learning the gospel the same way our own children do, complete with a snack. Because what is kids’ ministry without a snack, right?!

As a youth pastor, it made me proud to see the local teenagers stepping up with joy to teach the next generation what it means to be a follower of Christ.

When the kids complete the program, they are gifted a Bible. The number of lives touched through the gift of God’s Word is beyond measure.

The toys will fade, but the Word of God lasts forever.

It’s more than a shoebox.

*Guest post by Chris Thomas

13 Feb 2025

WATCH: The National Day of Volunteer Training full-length download!

By |2025-02-13T14:25:30-08:00February 13th, 2025|Youth Ministry Ideas|0 Comments


National Day of Volunteer Training is a 3-hour, video-driven, fun, and momentum-building event, with practical youth ministry training for your volunteers. It’s packed with energy, discussion time, and fun-filled “we get you” memorable moments!


Train your team whenever you want, however works best for you! We’ll provide everything you need to put on an engaging and fun training event!

1. Purchase the training—one price covers your whole team!
2. Receive the 3-hour National Day program on August 1, 2025.
3. Pick a date and time to host your training.
4. Invite your youth ministry volunteers.
5. Press ‘play’ and grow together this Fall.
6. Launch the new school year with equipped and encouraged leaders!


This video training resource will be delivered on August 1st, 2025 and includes:

  • Complete 3-hour National Day program made up of:
    • 6 TED Talk-style trainings
    • Discussion videos for each session
    • Lots of fun sprinkled throughout
  • Robust Attendee Guide
  • Complete Event Guide
  • Promotional & Social Media Graphics
  • BRAND NEW THIS YEAR: Hosting License
    • Every purchase includes a hosting license—invite other groups to join!
  • And so much more!

You get this all for your entire team, for one low price!

Lock in your training today.




New this year, NDOVT Kids!

Top-quality training designed just for KidsMin volunteers—taught by trusted KidMin veterans and thought leaders.


Tell your Kids Pastor! Bundle and save $150 when you purchase both trainings.

Have questions?

We’d love to connect with you and answer any questions you have. Email [email protected] to talk to one of our team members about bringing the National Day to your church!

13 Feb 2025

Six Months In: What I’ve Learned Leading VPYouth

By |2025-02-13T05:37:31-08:00February 13th, 2025|Youth Ministry Ideas|0 Comments

This month marks six months since stepping into the role of youth pastor at VPYouth at VantagePoint Church. As I sit here and reflect, I realize what a whirlwind it has been—taking over a ministry from a beloved youth pastor who is still on staff, inheriting a volunteer team, and stepping back into the trenches as the solo, only-staff youth pastor leading around 150 students.

And honestly? I’m incredibly thankful for what I get to do.

In the process, our student attendance and volunteer team have nearly doubled. But I’m not sharing that for attention—I’m sharing it as a personal reflection because I believe it’s just as important to recognize what is working as it is to pinpoint what isn’t. If you’re a new youth pastor stepping into a new church, or maybe you’ve been in one place for a while and feel stuck, here are some things our team has focused on in our first 150 days that I believe have made a real impact:

Dialing in Our Service

I won’t lie—when I first got here, I was worried about our midweek service. It lacked key elements, wasn’t very engaging, and students were disruptive. So we got to work. We focused on bringing fun back into the room, reshaping the culture around worship and respect, and fine-tuning our order of service to set students up for success in small groups.

Six months later, our services look completely different. The culture in the room has shifted. Students know what’s expected, small groups are thriving, and there’s an excitement that wasn’t there before. Spiritually? We’re still growing—but we’re getting there.

Focusing on Small Group Leaders

If small group leaders know how to win and feel equipped, everything changes.

When I stepped in, the small group structure wasn’t bad—our leaders just weren’t sure what “success” looked like. My role was to clarify expectations, train them, and help them lead with confidence. We focused on:

  • Defining clear “wins” for leaders
  • Giving them practical tools for leading students
  • Teaching them how to control the room while still fostering real connection

Now? Students aren’t just inviting their friends because service is great—they’re inviting them because small groups feel like real community.

Communicating Well with Parents

If you’ve ever been in the DYM Facebook Group, you’ve seen this question: “How do you communicate with parents?”

I don’t have a revolutionary answer. What we did was add every parent we could to our email list and committed to weekly updates. Each email includes:

  • A celebration story of what God is doing
  • A recap of the message with small group questions
  • A resource (once a month) for parents to use at home
  • Upcoming events and key dates

The number of parents who have emailed back saying “Thank you for keeping us in the loop” is crazy. They may not always respond—but they are reading. And that matters.

Being Super Present on the Weekends

Our church doesn’t have dedicated youth services on Sundays because of space limitations. But instead of letting that be a roadblock, I committed to being as present as possible in the church lobby.

Some weekends, I hang out and connect with students and parents. Other weekends, we set up a student table or I help host service, sharing stories of what God is doing in youth. The result? Students who only attended on weekends started showing up on Wednesdays.

Will this still be as effective a year from now? Maybe, maybe not. But as the new guy, being intentional about visibility has made a big difference.

Developing a Strong Leader Culture

When I arrived, almost all our volunteers were young adults. That’s not a bad thing—I love their energy (especially since I, a 38-year-old man, do not have the same level of energy anymore). But I knew we needed leaders of all ages and, more than that, we needed to build a true leadership community—not just people who happened to serve in the same space.

So we focused on:

  • Training leaders well so they felt confident in their role
  • Creating community within the team—because leaders who know and love each other lead better
  • Hosting spaces just for them—so they could encourage and sharpen one another

Now? Our leaders are our biggest recruiters. They’re inviting others because they don’t just love the students—they love being part of this team.

There’s more I could share, and maybe I’ll do a Part 2. But these are the things that have really stood out to me as the “new guy” stepping into an established ministry.

At the end of the day, the goal has been getting healthy. And when a ministry is healthy—it grows.

Would love to hear from others: If you’ve stepped into a new ministry role, what’s helped you build momentum?

You can check out our ministry @vpyouth on IG.

I also co-host the Youth Ministry Hacks Podcast where I dive into this more in detail. 


13 Feb 2025

9 Easy & FREE Youth Group Game Ideas

By |2025-01-18T14:17:27-08:00February 13th, 2025|communication, Games, Hybrid Ministry, Parents, Podcast, Technology, Youth Ministry Ideas|2 Comments

This is your ultimate “Oh Crap! I forgot the game” video!

Get all 9 of the games talked about in this video, from for COMPLETELY FREE!

All I ask for is a simple subscribe, it costs you nothing!

Ready to see my top 9 favorite games of all time?
Let’s check it out!

And if you’re interested in seeing more of what the Hybrid Ministry Show has to offer, I’d love to encourage you to check out more!

12 Feb 2025

Shoeboxes: Tres..Dos..Uno Open!

By |2025-02-12T06:43:27-08:00February 12th, 2025|Youth Ministry Ideas|2 Comments

I am always excited to get a new pair of shoes. As soon as I get home from the store, I immediately take the bright red Nike shoes out of the box and toss the shoebox aside. The shoebox means nothing to me—but not to everyone.

Josh and I went to two outreaches today, delivering shoeboxes filled with toys to kids.

Going into today, I expected it to be all about handing out the boxes. I’m so glad I was wrong!

The shoeboxes were only a small part of the day. The gospel presentation took center stage as the true focus.

At both locations we visited, Christ was made known, and the shoeboxes were simply tools to share His love with the children.

As we passed out these gifts, we watched the kids react in different ways—some didn’t know what to say, some eagerly showed off every Barbie doll they had just received, and some clung tightly to their toy cars, afraid they might be taken away.

With tears in our eyes, we played, danced, and became the hands and feet of Jesus today.

To whoever Jeff, Britt, and Claire Milton are—there was a little girl in a yellow dress who absolutely adored your gift!

*Guest Post written by Chris Thomas

11 Feb 2025

10 Game-Changing Tips for Empowering Your Youth Ministry Volunteers

By |2025-02-11T17:19:19-08:00February 11th, 2025|Podcast, Training|0 Comments

Are you tired of feeling like you’re running your youth ministry solo, even with a team of volunteers? It’s time to unlock the full potential of your volunteer force! In this eye-opening episode of the DYM Podcast, youth ministry gurus Doug Fields and Matt McGill share their hard-earned wisdom on how to truly empower your volunteers. Here are the top takeaways that will revolutionize your approach:

  1. Ditch the Stereotypes: Your best volunteers might not fit the “young and cool” mold. Embrace diversity in age, personality, and skills!
  2. Invest in Relationships: Building a loving community among your volunteers is just as crucial as training them.
  3. Balance Training and Care: While training is essential, prioritize shepherding and caring for your volunteers.
  4. Set Clear Expectations: Confusion isn’t empowering. Make sure your volunteers know exactly what’s expected of them.
  5. Trust Your Team: Give your volunteers real responsibility and authority (within reason, of course).
  6. Encourage Self-Direction: Foster an environment where volunteers feel empowered to take initiative beyond structured programs.
  7. Create Feedback Loops: Help your leaders improve through self-evaluation and constructive feedback.
  8. Provide the Right Tools: Set your volunteers up for success with user-friendly curriculum and practical resources.
  9. Welcome Innovation: The best ideas might not always come from you – be open to your volunteers’ creativity!
  10. Lead with Grace: Remember, mistakes happen. Approach challenges with understanding and compassion.

By implementing these strategies, you’ll not only lighten your own load but also create a thriving, dynamic volunteer team that takes your youth ministry to new heights. Remember, as Doug Fields wisely puts it, “Confusion isn’t empowering” – so start clarifying, caring, and empowering today!

Ready to dive deeper? Check out for personalized coaching, or head to for top-notch training resources. Your dream team of empowered volunteers is just waiting to be unleashed!





11 Feb 2025

Christmas in Peru, Day 1

By |2025-02-11T06:24:05-08:00February 11th, 2025|youth mission trips|0 Comments

Waking up at 6 am, running down the stairs staring in awe at the colorful presents under the tree. Big ones, tall ones, but the small ones usually held the best items. Reading the birth of Jesus next to a warm fire, and then ripping through the gifts within just a few minutes. Afterwards, the Christmas lunch, which took days to prepare and felt like it was my dad’s entire paycheck. For the rest of the day, we would play with toys, snack and nap. That was Christmas as a kid for me.

I’m embarking to Peru with Josh Griffin to deliver Shoeboxes with Operation Christmas Child. People from all over the world pack shoeboxes and they are distributed to children across the world.

Christmas looks a little different for these kids. They aren’t getting bikes, electronics or cash. They are getting soap, action figures, all totaling $20 per child and they love it.

As I’m writing, we are en route to deliver our first shoeboxes. I look out the window of the bus and I see a broken world. “We aren’t in Kansas anymore todo”

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns!”
Isaiah 52:7 NLT

These shoeboxes are a tangible item, but through this box, the good news of Jesus Christ will be shared.

To God be the Glory.

6 Feb 2025

Rules for Teens – Building Real Relationships in a Digital Age

By |2025-01-07T06:08:20-08:00February 6th, 2025|communication, Hybrid Ministry, Parents, Podcast, Technology, Youth Ministry Ideas|1 Comment

Social media has transformed how we connect, fueled by the rise of smartphones and evolving platforms.

In this episode, I attempt to define social media’s roots, from its early pioneers like MySpace and Facebook (and 6 Degrees?!) to today’s dynamic apps like TikTok, and explore how to use technology as a tool to foster authentic relationships.

Plus, I’m going to share practical tips for building deeper connections and introduce a Phone-Free Family Planning Guide to help balance digital and real-world interactions.

Let’s dive into this together!

And if you’re interested in seeing more of what the Hybrid Ministry Show has to offer, I’d love to encourage you to check out more!

5 Feb 2025

GUEST POST: Your Overwhelm is a Warning Light – Here’s What To Do About It

By |2025-02-05T11:56:45-08:00February 5th, 2025|Youth Ministry Ideas|0 Comments

It’s 10:23pm and you’re still at church.

Volunteers flaked, 10 texts to respond to, angry email from that parent in your inbox, and your senior pastor has a few “questions” for you. 

Family and friends expected you home at 6 for dinner. Looks like it’s “Jesus Chicken” on the way home again. 

You don’t want it to be this way, but you don’t know how it could be different. 

Is this what jobs in the Kingdom are supposed to be like? 

You’re not alone in asking this question…

Burnout in the Church is an Epidemic

Let’s cut straight to the heart of it: burnout in ministry isn’t just common, it’s reaching epidemic proportions. Nearly 1 in 4 pastors under 45 report experiencing burnout in the last year (Barna). And that is to say nothing about extreme stress and anxiety that doesn’t meet the threshold of burnout. 

This isn’t just a statistic, it’s a cry for help from the front lines of ministry.

When Lifeway reports that time management is the #1 skill pastors say they’re lacking, we need to pause. This isn’t about working harder. It’s about fundamentally rethinking how we approach our time and energy.

I experienced this first hand…

Losing My Sense of Smell from Stress

I spent my career in early-stage startups. High expectations, short runways, it was sink or swim. 

Working at Download Youth Ministry for two years as the COO, I learned that Youth Pastors are essentially start-up leaders for the Kingdom of God. Long hours. Endless demands. A constant pull in a million different directions. I have felt these same tensions. 

And maybe just like you, I was “successful” at my job, but I was sinking on the inside. 

I didn’t just burn out, I crashed so hard I literally lost my sense of smell for six months. Stress can do that apparently, along with a whole other host of things: migraine headaches, IBS, hypertension, impacted sleep, depression. Super fun stuff. 

There I was, successful on paper, smiling in photos, dying inside.  My calendar was packed, my family time was suffering, and my body was screaming for help. You know that feeling when you’re juggling so many balls you can’t even count them anymore? That was me, just trying to do my best, absolutely drowning, and looking around and not seeing any solutions. 

That’s when God stepped in…

Be Anxious for Nothing is a Command, not a Suggestion

I learned Philippians 4:6-7 in Awana as a child:

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Up until then, I had treated this verse like a spiritual fortune cookie: nice to read, easy to ignore. My calendar was all about ME, anxiety was just part of the job, and if I stopped shoveling everything would break. 

But all that changed when I hit burnout. I realized “be anxious for nothing” wasn’t a nice suggestion for when we have time to get around to it. It’s a direct command from the Creator of time Himself. It was a boundary condition to the good life He wanted for me. 

I believe God doesn’t command the impossible. He said “be anxious for nothing,” and I developed a gut level conviction that there must be a way for it to be possible. 

Here’s what I did…

Make Overwhelm Non-negotiable

Overwhelm isn’t a badge of honor, it’s a warning light. 

It’s God’s gift to you, telling you your relationship with time is off kilter, and he’s commanding you to take a next step. Just like you wouldn’t ignore your car’s check engine light, you can’t keep ignoring God’s internal warning system for you. 

The average person carries 121 items on their to-do list ALL THE TIME. It doesn’t matter how many you check off, there’s more coming. Simply grinding to the bottom of the list is not going to save you. 

You have to change the way you think about time…

Ask God for His Perspective on You & Your Time

I realize if you’re reading this you’re a professional Christian and likely read the whole book, but let me summarize what God thinks about you: you are fully loved, lacking nothing.

A little louder for the friends in the back: YOU ARE FULLY LOVED LACKING NOTHING. Your worth isn’t measured in completed tasks or ministry wins.As a professional Christian, you may cognitively know that, but your calendar would tell me a different story. 

You pack your calendar out of fear. Fear that if you don’t you’ll fail, or let people down, or lose your job. 

Try this: Before planning out next week, ask “How would someone who is fully loved, lacking nothing, plan their week?” They wouldn’t pack it to the brim out of fear. 

“Yes, but Andrew, you don’t understand the demands on me from my senior pastor/parents/students…” I hear you. Stick with me…

Add Selfcare & Personal Commitments to Your Calendar

When I was overwhelmed, on my way to losing my sense of smell (which by the way means I couldn’t taste anything either… brutal), the first thing that went out the door was selfcare and my family time. And I bet you’re the same.

Why? Because overwhelm presses you to just keep working. You tell yourself you’ll get to selfcare and personal commitments when the to-do list is clear, but we both know the to-do list is endless. And continuously violating your commitment to selfcare and personal commitments only increases your overwhelm, because you are not living consistent with who you want to be. 

The hard truth? Self-care isn’t selfish, it’s stewardship. It’s God’s plan to keep you in the game.

To counter overwhelm, you simply have to put these items on your calendar, and share with someone else to become accountable to them (it will literally double the likelihood of you following through). 

Block out time for:

  • Connection with God (non-negotiable)
  • Family & friend connections (sacred space)
  • Physical health (it’s ministry preparation)
  • Mental rest (it’s productivity fuel)

Think of it like this: you are the boss of your future self (literally you’re “Time Boss”). You are simply making decisions ahead of time to set up your future self to be successful, instead of leaving that poor sucker to just figure it out and hope for the best, because we both know how that’s gone up to this point. In a sober moment, before the ministry bullets start flying, make a decision about what your future self needs. 

“But Andrew… You’re taking more time away from ALL THE THINGS I actually HAVE to do”

You’re right, and I’m about to take more, and I promise you’re going to thank me just like the dozens of youth pastors that have already made this change…

Add Buffer to Your Calendar

Up until now you’ve packed your calendar to the brim, and inevitably the unexpected happens: student texts, pastor needs you, parent has a question, water heater breaks, spouse needs help, you name it.  

You get overwhelmed by definition, because how can you deal with this new thing and still make your priorities happen? 

These are the “Predicitable Unpredictables”. You know they’re coming, so you might as well plan for it. 

Practically, you should be adding a 20 to 40% buffer in your calendar, planning for the inevitable interruptions that are going to take your time.  Sounds impossible? That’s exactly why you need it. YOU HAVE OVERPACKED YOUR SCHEDULE. 

If your calendar looks like this, change it to look like this:

Literally, put it on your calendar. And once your calendar is full, don’t allow yourself to add more things to it. Your time is like a bank account. You can only spend what you have. Adding a buffer to your calendar enforces that. 

Here’s the magic of this: you won’t need this buffer everyday.  And when you don’t, as your Time Boss you make the call: grab the next priority and work on it, or take the afternoon and be with your family, or literally WHATEVER YOU WANT TIME BOSS. 

The power here is you are working up to your capacity. You’re not starting the week over capacity and hoping it all works out. 

Dozens of Youth Pastors I work with have adopted this way of working. Here’s how they describe it: 

“The most valuable thing from the course was the idea of (Buffer) time. I always have people dropping in, or last minute requests being asked of me, and the ability to say “Yes” and not have those things derail my week is amazing. Previously I would say yes and know it might mean working late, but now I feel like I’m operating from a position of strength or excess when it comes to the time I have in my work week.”

“But scheduling (Buffer) was a game changer!! I would find myself NOT budgeting time for interruptions and packing too much into my week even before interruptions had a chance to interrupt!!”

Even hearing from other pastors, I can feel your resistance through the screen: “But Andrew, now I have my personal commitments AND self-care AND buffer on my calendar, there’s so much less time to get things done!”

Ah but there is, friend. You just have to change your habits related to time. And I want you to start small…

Start with One Small Change – BUT START

Transformation doesn’t require grand gestures, heroic lifts, or rapid left turns. It can happen with small, consistent changes, repeated over time, building on top of each other. 

You just need to start.

Pick one small change. Just one. Make it so small it feels almost insignificant. Then protect it like it’s sacred, because it is. Ideas:

  1. Choose one day this week for a buffer experiment
  2. Set one non-negotiable self-care appointment and share with someone for accountability
  3. Practice saying “let me check my calendar” instead of instant “yes”
  4. Set an alarm at 6am, 10am, 2pm and 5pm to remind yourself you’re fully loved, lacking nothing.

Run it a week or two and see what happens. I guarantee you won’t die. In fact, it will become the new normal. And then you can make the next small change. Rinse and repeat, week over week, month over month, year over year, and will revolutionize your relationship with time. 

You’re not “managing time”, you’re stewarding a life. God’s vision for your ministry never included burning out for Him.

What tiny brave decision will you make this week to honor both your calling AND your limits?


Fed Up & Ready for Massive Change This Month? Time Boss Can Help

It took me 10 years of small changes to figure out a way to get the results I wanted from my week without overwhelm, and I’ve boiled it down to a simple system that you can learn in the next month to completely revolutionize your relationship with time, just like the hundreds of leaders and dozens of teams that have done so in the past year.  

Time Boss helps teams and leaders get these results by teaching a simple, repeatable Weekly Time Mastery Framework. 

The Time Boss Digital Course has actually been taken by dozens of youth pastors in the last year. Here’s what they had to say. 

“Thank you so much for offering the course, it’s truly reshaped the way that I view my work week. I don’t think I realized how stressful some of the work weeks were previously, but being able to feel “ahead” of the week at the start and not letting these small things derail the weekly plan is awesome.”

“I’ve taken on an additional position – essentially requiring an additional 20-30 hours per week.  But utilizing Time Boss principles have allowed me to space my calendar accordingly, drop what needed to be carried by others, and go home at the end of the day truly ‘off.’ Knowing that’s not a lifelong sustainable pace, yet seeing how it could be doable for the next year, has made me a stronger manager of myself. I’m forever grateful!”

“This has absolutely changed how I work and how I see work. I am beyond grateful! I have definitely become a self-appointed TimeBoss ambassador to my coworkers and friends. I was at work yesterday–5 days out from my wedding–and people asked me how I was still there and why I wasn’t a ball of anxiety, and I got to tell them about TimeBoss and how I am confidently getting things done and having the time to do it! No need to stress!

The Time Boss Digital Course includes 15 video lessons, step-by-step guides, easy to use templates and daily feedback from our team to help you overcome any friction you’re experiencing.

We sell this to for-profit leaders for $199, but we’re providing it to pastors for just $50, because we know what’s possible in the Kingdom when a pastor is actually “anxious for nothing”. Use coupon code “WELOVECHURCH” at checkout. Money back guarantee if you finish the course, do the daily check-ins and don’t get results you’re satisfied with. We just want you to win. 

If you’re ready to jump in, we’re ready to help. Let’s go get it!

Andrew Hartman is the Founder and CEO at Time Boss, a training and development company that helps leaders and teams get the results they want from their time, without overwhelm. Andrew was formally the COO of Download Youth Ministry.

4 Feb 2025

The Ultimate Volunteer Training Event is BACK!

By |2025-02-04T14:42:04-08:00February 4th, 2025|Youth Ministry Ideas|0 Comments

🚨 Youth & Kids Ministry Leaders—This is YOUR Moment! 🚨

Mark your calendars: September 6, 2025, is the day you take your volunteer team to the NEXT LEVEL. The National Day of Volunteer Training (NDO) is back, bigger and better than ever, with two powerhouse events—one for kids’ ministry volunteers and one for youth ministry leaders. Whether your team serves the littlest ones or navigates the wild world of teenagers, this training is designed to equip, inspire, and energize them like never before.

🔥 Why Should Your Church Host NDO? 🔥
Because volunteers are the heartbeat of your ministry! This 3-hour, video-driven event is packed with TED-Talk-style sessions, high-energy moments, and real-world training from the best in the business. Your volunteers will laugh, learn, and leave ready to make a bigger impact than ever before.

NDO KIDS: Training Built for the Next Generation of Church Leaders

👶 Kids Ministry Volunteers—We’ve Got You Covered! 🏆

Working with kids is amazing, rewarding, and… let’s be real… unpredictable. That’s why your volunteers need next-level training to handle everything from wild preschool energy to deep discipleship moments.

Meet the incredible lineup of speakers for NDO Kids:

Kellen Moore – Next Gen Pastor & National Speaker
Heidi Hensley – Kids & Family Ministry Veteran
Ricky Jenkins – Senior Pastor & Storytelling Pro
Erin Gaxiola – Kidside Director at Eastside Christian Church
Doug Fields – Youth Ministry Legend & Co-founder of DYM

They’ll bring practical, fun, and powerful insights to help your team create unforgettable experiences for kids and families in your church.

NDO YOUTH: The Training Your Student Ministry Volunteers NEED

🧑‍🎤 Youth Ministry Volunteers—Get Ready to Level Up! 🚀

Teenagers need mentors, not just chaperones. And let’s be honest… leading youth ministry takes courage, wisdom, and probably a LOT of caffeine. NDO Youth is designed to equip your team to engage, disciple, and lead students in a life-changing way.

Here’s the dream team bringing the heat for NDO Youth:

🔥 Ricky Jenkins – Pastor, Preacher & Dynamic Communicator
🔥 Sean McDowell – Apologetics Expert & Youth Culture Guru
🔥 Heather Flies – Junior High Ministry Rockstar
🔥 Kevin Yi – College & Young Adult Pastor
🔥 Jessica Sanchez – Veteran Youth Worker & Leadership Trainer
🔥 Doug Fields – The Guy Who Wrote the Book on Youth Ministry (literally)

This training will empower your team to connect with students, navigate tough conversations, and lead with confidence.

Your Church. Your Date. Your Training.

💥 Here’s the best part: You can host NDO on September 6, 2025, OR pick a date that works best for your team. This is a turnkey event—just hit play, and let the experts do the teaching!

🎯 Your volunteers will leave feeling:Confident in their calling
Prepared for real-world ministry
Excited to serve like never before!

🔥 DON’T WAIT—Get your church signed up today! 🔥

👉 Register Now and make this the BEST year of ministry yet!

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