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18 Dec 2023

Take a 30 Minute Christmas Break

By |2023-12-18T11:23:23-08:00December 18th, 2023|Youth Ministry Ideas|5 Comments

Christmas is a crazy season for any pastor! You’re more than likely in the middle of planning or executing 12 different Christmas services or parties. You have either received or are ready to send 1 billion Christmas cards. There’s a high probability that your church office is packed with baked goods. These are either ones you plan on giving out or have been dropped off at the church for you and other staff. 

Your to-do list is miles long, and it might feel like you are drowning in all the responsibilities of the season. 

Oh yeah, and we get to celebrate the birth of Jesus. 

In all of the planning and the crazy and busy season, it can be so easy to be all about serving others, planning events, and getting all the Christmas done that we don’t get an opportunity to practice what we preach.

Let me challenge you to do one thing. 

Sometime in the next week, give yourself 30 minutes of uninterrupted time with God. Do whatever refreshes and rejuvenates you. Listen to worship music. Read scripture. Sit alone in silence and pray. Go to coffee with a dear friend and share all God has done over the last year. 

Whatever it is, plan 30 minutes where you reconnect with God in this crazy, busy season! 

I know you’re serving. God knows you’re serving. 

You can’t serve out of an empty cup. 

Give yourself just 30 minutes sometime this week to pour a little back in. 

You never know what God might do with the time you invest in reconnecting with Him! 

11 Dec 2023

How a Silly Idea Called Llamabucks Changed Our Youth Group This Fall

By |2023-12-11T23:47:43-08:00December 11th, 2023|josh griffin, junior high, junior high ministry, Mariners Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Hacks, Youth Ministry Ideas, Youth Ministry Resources|7 Comments

Last week I had 11 students tell me last week’s memory verse from youth group.

Now, maybe that’s not the most incredible thing in your context, but I added a memory verse to our program over a year ago and this was exactly 8x the most we’ve ever had recite a verse from memory. Now, you could certainly chalk up part of that to poor leadership on my part for the past 365 days, and that’s certainly a contributing factor. But what accounted for the change?

Enter: llama bucks.

Back at Fall Kickoff we introduced a new currency in our youth group, playing off of a llama theme that has kinda taken over. No more prizes, just llama bucks. Serving? Get a llamabuck. Ask a great question in your small group time? Score a llamabuck.

SAY A MEMORY VERSE? Get a llamabuck.

And this thing has taken on a whole life of its own. Despite us having a really horrendous resume and zero experience in distributing an internatioal currency and inflation … we’ve given out thousands of llama bucks. And they can be used in two key ways:

  1. Use them in small amounts right away in the llama store outside the youth room to grab some Nerd Ropes or a Liquid Death (it’s just water people) or some JHM merch.
  2. Save up for the Llama-auction on January 13th, 2024. We have a big event planned with lots of fun, big items (most requested was an eBike, we’ll see, sounds expensive) but we’ll have fun items for students to bid on to use up their bucks.

Reward what you want to see happen in your youth ministry. Not a new idea, just our spin on it … and it’s crushing right now.


6 Dec 2023

My Initial Reaction to the Sidekick Launch LiveStream

By |2023-12-12T19:52:42-08:00December 6th, 2023|Sidekick Hero Blog, Youth Ministry Ideas|3 Comments

Doug and Josh hosted a Facebook live event and asked me to simply jot down my thoughts and reactions to what they shared. So here we go…

Initial Thoughts

They started off by sharing what the new Sidekick looks like, and let me tell you, it is amazing! Not only was there a whole lot of hype about how youth pastors will be able to use phones to engage students instead of trying to fight against students using their phones, but there are some pretty significant giveaways going on as well!

Also, Josh was drinking something yellow and weird out of a suspicious-looking water bottle… but I don’t think that had anything to do with Sidekick 🙂

The Big Reveal

The big news is that Sidekick has been rebuilt from the ground up!

Instead of having to download a program onto every computer, you plan on using it with, Sidekick is now a browser-based web program! So you can design your youth program in your office and walk over to the youth room and load it up without having to ask anyone for their permission to put a new program on a computer (for some of us, this is a BIG DEAL).

Bring on the Phones!

You can now use Sidekick to engage with students by having them answer multiple-choice questions on their phones! Wild! 

Speaking of phones, you can CONTROL Sidekick on your phone, laptop, iPad, other computer, anything you can log into the web and see the internet. This is a SUPER BIG DEAL! Now, you can make each slide appear as soon as you want it to and not necessarily wait for your computer person who may or may not be tuned into your lesson (we’ve all been there, right??).

The Giveaways (…it is DYM after all!)

There are also some MAJOR giveaways going on with the launch of Sidekick! If you sign up and use Sidekick three times or more during the month of December, you’ll be automatically entered into a giveaway for an iPhone, Xbox, or a $500 Slurpee gift card. These are some exciting times! Get in on this right away!


As I was watching the live stream, there were a few questions that kept coming up, so I reached out to my friends at DYM and asked if they could help me answer some of those for you here.

  • What about CCLI Worship Licenses? Yep! CCLI SongSelect is integrated directly into Sidekick. That means you can import any of SongSelect’s 100,000+ songs directly into your presentation without having to type out every word!
  • If we have Coleader and/or DYM Gold, will there be any retro for us to change to DYM Platinum? You bet! If you’re in this boat (or if you have any issues at all with your membership), just reach out to [email protected], and they’ll help you get your Platinum Membership up and running!
  • So with DYM GOLD+, how many members can I have on my team? With DYM Gold+, you can have 10 users under one account.
  • So if 50 voters is the base, how do you upgrade to the larger tiers? You can find all the info about upgrading to more connections here: https://help.sidekick.tv/en/articles/8673101-getting-more-phone-connections-on-sidekick

How Do I Rewatch the LiveStream?

Well, obviously, the Sidekick Launch LiveStream was a HUGE deal for youth workers, so if you missed it, here’s how you can watch:

If you’re using Sidekick and you run into any issues, or if you just have a question, please feel free to reach out to our support team at: [email protected]. Or you can check out other helpful articles and walkthroughs at the Sidekick Help Desk by visiting https://help.sidekick.tv.

Finally, if you choose to use the new Sidekick… let us know how you do it and what types of polls you do because we want to highlight you. Our goal is to highlight a youth worker every week with different ways they’ve used Sidekick to help their students engage. If you’re interested in being recognized as a Sidekick Hero, just click the big red button below:

If you’re using Sidekick and you run into any issues, or if you just have a question, please feel free to reach out to our support team at: [email protected]. Or you can check out other helpful articles and walkthroughs at the Sidekick Help Desk by visiting https://help.sidekick.tv.

Finally, if you choose to use the new Sidekick… let us know how you do it and what types of polls you do because we want to highlight you. Our goal is to highlight a youth worker every week with different ways they’ve used Sidekick to help their students engage. If you’re interested in being recognized as a Sidekick Hero, just click the big red button below:

6 Nov 2023

Creative Ideas for Indoor Youth Ministry

By |2023-11-06T06:58:45-08:00November 6th, 2023|Youth Ministry Ideas|6 Comments

As it gets colder outside, you probably are going to start thinking that doing indoor events is the way to go. You’ve had your fun fall festival and annual bonfire, but now it’s just too cold to be outside! Or maybe it’s been snowing in your state for the last two months. I don’t know how snow works; I live in Texas. If you do find yourself retreating indoors because your students complain about the cold, here are some tips on how to have some great indoor events!

Learn to be creative with your space

If you were lucky enough to have a youth room, think of some ways that you can spice up your space for an event. Maybe you can move the orientation of the room. Perhaps you could put a projector on a different wall than normal. You might even ask a couple of adults to come in and decorate the place for you. Whenever you do an event that’s outside your normal programming, it could be a chance to make your space feel really different. Go for it!

Take what you do before youth group and AMP IT UP

Do your students like playing video games before you get started? Do they go play nine square in your church gym? If you’re looking for an idea of an event to host, maybe you could take one of those things that you normally do and really amp it up to make it a big deal. My students were constantly asking to have a Smash Brothers tournament. What a great event to really buy into what students were excited about. Or maybe you could play volleyball if you’re one of those lucky youth pastors who have a gym to meet in. You can think of a whole bunch of different ways to make volleyball crazy and exciting. Use a giant 6-foot-wide beach ball. Make it teams of 20. You’ve got a lot of options!

Meet in a different spot in your building

If the event you’re trying to do can take place in a different space in your building, why not take advantage of that? Instead of meeting in the youth room, consider meeting in the fellowship hall or the gym. Giving your students a chance to switch things up might put them in a different mindset and allow them to think about whatever it is you’re trying to do with your event. Familiarity can be good, but putting students in a different space can also open them up to thinking differently!

Be a good steward of your building; clean up afterwards!

Last, but not least, if you’re meeting inside at your church, be considerate to the people who have to come behind you and clean it up, or to the people whose room you’re borrowing for the evening. Make sure you plan to have people help you clean after the event. I always struggled with that and thought that I would just clean it all up myself. Don’t do this! Ask people specifically to help you clean up so that you don’t come in the next day to a trashed youth room or an angry email from the cleaning crew.

Do you have any other ideas? I’d love to hear them! Comment down below or reach out. You’ve got this!

Also, if you’re looking for a few ideas for indoor events, check out the resources below.

Get your students thinking with this fun interactive game!

All students need for this one is their phone and the instructions on the screen. Super fun!

30 Oct 2023

Spooky Season is Here!

By |2023-10-30T10:22:48-07:00October 30th, 2023|Youth Ministry Ideas|1 Comment

Hey youth pastor!

This week is Halloween. You probably already knew that from all of the social media posts with your students going around and hitting every trunk-or-treat in the tri-county area.

But what are you doing for your students this week?

DYM has got you!

If you’re hoping for a night with some Halloween themed games, check these out with some suggestions on how you can play them with your whole group!

Give your students or a small group a whiteboard and a dry erase marker and see who can unscramble the word the fastest! Throw candy in the general direction of the winner!

Put up a spooky looking 1, 2, and 3 around your room and have students move to the answer they think is correct. Or, if you’ve got a huge group, have them hold up their fingers to answer. Either way get every one standing up! They sit down when they get an answer wrong. The winner could get their own pumpkin to carve.

This is a great ice-breaker to have students moving around the room. I love to go and quiz students on their answer and why they chose what they did. Give them a handful of bubble gum if they’ve got a decent answer!

Need to show your senior pastor that not everything you do on Halloween is “of the world”? Use this game to have a conversation about the WILD stuff that’s in the Bible. This could be an upfront game with students holding signs that say “Old Testament” or “Scary Movie”. Hand out a copy of a bargain kid scary movie you found at a thrift store.

Need a way to get everyone involved? Crowd Charades is a great game to get people moving! Give the winning team a shower of candy. Should be loads of fun!

Need a great lesson on not being fake and wearing a mask? This one will be an EASY win for the week of Halloween! Make the stories your own and have a great discussion with your students!

And that’s it!

Have a great week and spend time with students and way less time planning games and the lesson.

We believe in you.

You’ve got this!

23 Oct 2023

Go Outside With your Students this Fall

By |2023-10-23T07:40:33-07:00October 23rd, 2023|Youth Ministry Ideas|6 Comments

I love the fall, even here in South Texas, where we get some fall weather. After our first false fall, when it goes back up to 90 degrees for a few weeks, that is.

Once the weather becomes cooler, being outside is a lot more fun!

So why should you take your students outside once everyone has a pumpkin-spiced latte?

Nature is God’s

I personally love being outside and being in nature! I feel closer to God when I am observing what He has made. I know we can often be proud of our youth spaces and the room we have made for students to come together and experience God collectively. But there is something wonderful about being outside and experiencing God’s creation together.

I also find that the changing season makes me think about changes in my life. That’s something we can help students capture as well.

No Screens Means Connection

I love technology. I’m typing this on my computer as I look at multiple screens. I don’t know where I would end up without the Internet and a phone to connect with many friends throughout the day.

But there is something super special about being in a place without screens, and you get to look and see what God is doing outside of a screen.

Encourage your students to put their phones down and pick their eyes up! They may have a great chance to connect in person outside!

Creativity When You Shake Things Up

When you take away your normal tools, you have to get creative! Without my computer and my big screen and sound system, I have to think about what programming elements get involved in whatever event we’re going to do. I have to think outside the box. There’s something about that that makes planning outdoor events really fun for me. I get to be really creative! It’s also great to invite students into that creativity with me.

Need some inspiration for an outdoor activity? Check out these five great games for your students next time you get outside!

And plan some time outdoors with your students!

5 Sep 2023

Maximizing Youth Ministry Impact: The Benefits of One-Night Events

By |2023-09-05T08:04:35-07:00September 5th, 2023|Youth Ministry Ideas|7 Comments

Youth ministry is more than just Sunday gatherings and midweek services; it’s about fostering deep connections, spiritual growth, and memorable experiences for our students. While regular meetings are the backbone of any youth ministry, one-night events can add an exciting and transformative dimension to your youth program. In this blog post, we’ll explore how hosting one-night events can be incredibly beneficial to your youth ministry and the students you serve.

  1. Building Excitement and Anticipation

One-night events offer a unique opportunity to break away from the routine and create a sense of anticipation among your students. Whether it’s a themed worship night, a fun game night, or a service project, the idea of a special event can generate excitement that extends beyond the event itself. This anticipation can help boost attendance and engagement among your youth group.

  1. Reaching Out to New Faces

One-night events are a fantastic way to introduce new students to your youth ministry. They provide a low-pressure, non-committal environment where newcomers can experience the warmth and welcoming atmosphere of your group without feeling overwhelmed. These events can serve as a gateway for students who might later become regular members of your ministry.

  1. Addressing Specific Topics or Needs

Sometimes, youth face unique challenges and questions that require a more focused approach. One-night events can be tailored to address specific topics or needs, such as mental health, relationships, or faith questions. These events can provide a safe space for open discussions and support, helping students navigate these crucial aspects of their lives.

  1. Strengthening Community Bonds

Community is at the heart of any successful youth ministry. One-night events offer an opportunity for students to bond in a different context, strengthening their relationships and creating lasting memories. Whether it’s a retreat, a camping trip, or a simple game night, these events encourage fellowship and unity among your youth group.

  1. Providing Spiritual Growth Moments

One-night events can also be spiritually enriching experiences. You can organize prayer nights, worship services, or guest speakers who can inspire and challenge your students in their faith journeys. These events can serve as catalysts for personal growth and spiritual awakening.

  1. Reigniting Passion

In the midst of the challenges and distractions young people face, it’s not uncommon for their passion for faith to wane. Hosting one-night events with powerful worship, impactful testimonies, or engaging activities can reignite their passion for Christ and His mission. These events can remind them of the joy and purpose found in their relationship with God.

  1. Creating Lasting Memories

Youth ministry is not just about imparting knowledge but also creating memories that will last a lifetime. One-night events often become cherished memories for students, reinforcing their connection to your ministry and to each other.


One-night events are a valuable addition to any youth ministry’s toolbox. They can help build excitement, reach new students, address specific needs, strengthen community bonds, foster spiritual growth, reignite passion, and create lasting memories. By incorporating these events into your ministry plan, you can enhance your ability to nurture the spiritual and personal growth of the young people you serve. Remember, it’s not just about the event itself but the impact it has on the lives of your students that truly matters.

Need an idea for a great one night event? Check out these two ideas out from DYM!

7 Aug 2023

Starting the Fall Off Right!

By |2023-08-07T08:55:53-07:00August 7th, 2023|Youth Ministry Ideas|3 Comments

Fall is finally upon us, and if you’re anything like me, you’re buzzing with excitement for what this new season holds for your student ministry. There’s something inherently invigorating about the start of the school year – new faces, fresh enthusiasm, and endless opportunities for growth in faith. So, how do we harness this energy and create an unforgettable fall kick-off for our students? Let’s dive into some tips to help you make the most of this exciting time!

Seize the Moment: Plan a Memorable Kick-Off

The start of the school year is a golden opportunity to create a memorable kick-off event. Whether you’re dedicating an entire evening or even an entire month to the kick-off, make it a big deal! Organize engaging activities, games, and maybe even a theme that resonates with your students. This sets the tone for the rest of the season and builds anticipation.

Set the Course: Reset Goals and Cast Vision

As you welcome both new and returning students, take the time to reset your goals and cast a clear vision for the year ahead. Ensure that everyone in your student ministry knows the ‘why’ behind what you’re striving for. This could involve sharing your ministry’s purpose, goals, and values during the kick-off event. A strong sense of purpose can fuel enthusiasm and commitment among your students.

Facilitate Connections: Highlight Opportunities to Engage

Fall is all about restarting and building new routines, so emphasize the various opportunities for students to connect and get involved. During the kick-off, make it crystal clear how they can plug into small groups, service projects, worship teams, and any other activities your ministry offers. Provide sign-up sheets or online forms to streamline the process and ensure everyone can find their place in the community.

Capture the Magic: Document the Kick-Off

In the whirlwind of events, it’s easy to forget to capture the special moments. Make an effort to document your fall kick-off with plenty of photos and even videos. Not only do these mementos serve as heartwarming reminders for the students, but they can also be wonderful to look back on as they move up or graduate in the future. Plus, sharing these memories on social media can help build a buzz for your ministry and attract even more students.

Nurture Lasting Relationships

Remember, a successful fall kick-off isn’t just about the event itself; it’s about building lasting relationships. Encourage your leadership team to be intentional about forming connections with both new and returning students. Whether it’s through one-on-one conversations, mentoring programs, or casual hangouts, creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere can help students feel valued and supported.

So there you have it, fellow youth pastors – a roadmap to creating an amazing fall kick-off for your student ministry! This is a season of renewed energy and eager hearts, and by implementing these strategies, you can set the stage for a year full of growth, community, and spiritual development.

Remember, each student who walks through your doors is on a unique journey, and your role is to guide, encourage, and inspire them as they navigate their faith. Have an incredible fall kick-off, and may this season be one of transformation and abundant blessings for both you and your students.

Need a game to kickstart your fall?

Get your group up and active in this classic game that will have students grouping up and performing festive actions.

Have your students up and milling around. You will show a number and a school-themed action on the screen. Participants then need to get in groups (aka “clumps”) that match the number and perform the action displayed. If you play it as an elimination game, the last group to form, or without enough people to form the group, is out.

Click here to download and play!

31 Jul 2023

Partnering with Other Ministries

By |2023-07-28T10:40:32-07:00July 31st, 2023|Youth Ministry Ideas|0 Comments

You know what’s awesome? When our student ministries don’t operate in isolation but are part of the bigger picture – the whole church! Let’s talk about how we can get our youth involved in other ministries within our church and create an environment of collaboration and support.

Youth ministry is all about growth, and that means welcoming new members from the children’s ministry. Let’s make their transition smooth and exciting. How about having our youth leaders help out during Vacation Bible School? It’s a great way for them to connect with the younger kids and become mentors. If you missed out on this summer, ask your children’s director how you can plan to have students involved next year!

We can also encourage our youth to be teacher assistants in Sunday School classes. That way, they build connections with the kids they’ll soon be leading. How great would it be to have a rotation of students helping out in kid’s Sunday School so your elementary director isn’t scrambling for volunteers each week?

Our youth might be the future leaders of the church, but they’re not alone on this journey. Let’s bring different generations together. Joint activities with adult small groups can be a blast! Discussions, games, and service projects can help everyone understand each other better and build lasting relationships. How about starting a mentorship program? Our older adults have so much wisdom to share, and our youth can benefit from their life experiences.

We’re a family, right? So let’s support and bless other church ministries. Partnering with service-oriented ministries like the lawn mowing crew or homeless outreach can teach our youth compassion and make a real impact in our community. Let’s be there for other ministries during their events and fundraisers. Our youth can lend a helping hand, set up stuff, or provide technical support – they’ve got talents to share! What if you didn’t have to worry about filling the youth calendar with as many events because you were partnering with events that OTHER ministries already have?

Hey, here’s the deal – we want to be the cool kids in the church, not the ones causing trouble! Here’s how we can build partnerships without giving others a headache. Communication is key. Talk to other ministry leaders, express your desire to collaborate, and find out how we can support each other. Flexibility rocks. When we join forces with other ministries, let’s be open to adjusting our schedule or activities. Teamwork makes the dream work!

So, fellow youth pastors, let’s remember that our youth ministry is part of something bigger – our church family! By collaborating with other ministries, we can create a strong and united community. Let’s welcome new members, connect with adult ministries, bless others, and avoid causing headaches. Together, we’ll raise up a generation of youth who love serving and supporting the body of Christ. Keep that youth ministry thriving!

17 Jul 2023

Helping Your Seniors Move On After Youth Group

By |2023-07-13T13:10:58-07:00July 17th, 2023|Youth Ministry Ideas|0 Comments

We all know that senior year in a youth group is a milestone for our students. It’s a time filled with mixed emotions as they prepare to move on to the next chapter of their lives. As youth pastors, we have the opportunity to provide the guidance and support they need during this crucial transition. In this post, we’ll explore practical ways to help students move on after their senior year, fostering their growth and empowering them for the future.

So, let’s dive in!

  1. Acknowledge the Transition: First things first, let’s acknowledge the significance of this transition for our seniors. Take the time to recognize their achievements, growth, and the memories they’ve made during their time in the youth group. Whether it’s through a special ceremony or a heartfelt message, let them know how much they have contributed and that their presence will be missed.
  2. Provide Closure: Creating a sense of closure is essential for seniors as they leave the youth group. Plan a special event that allows them to reminisce, share stories, and express their feelings about their time with the group. This could be a graduation ceremony, a farewell party, or a reflective gathering. Offer them a safe space to say goodbye and encourage them to express their gratitude and hopes for the future. Consider a one night trip with just you and a few volunteers. Make it special!
  3. Transition Resources: Navigating life after high school can be overwhelming for our seniors. As youth pastors, we can provide them with valuable transition resources. Offer workshops, seminars, or one-on-one sessions to address their specific needs. Provide guidance on college applications, career exploration, spiritual growth, and personal development. Equip them with the tools they need to confidently step into the next phase of their lives. Show them how to find a new church once they move on from this one. Provide questions they should ask themselves about their next church family.
  4. Encourage Reflection and Goal-Setting: Reflection and goal-setting are powerful tools for personal growth. Encourage your seniors to reflect on their experiences in the youth group and set goals for the future. Help them identify their passions, strengths, and values. Guide them in setting realistic and attainable goals that align with their aspirations. By encouraging self-reflection and goal-setting, we empower our seniors to take ownership of their journey beyond the youth group. This reminds them that their journey with Jesus is just beginning!
  5. Emphasize the Bigger Picture: While the youth group holds a special place in their hearts, it’s important to remind our seniors that their time with us was just one chapter in their lives. Encourage them to embrace new opportunities, explore different communities, and continue their personal and spiritual growth. Remind them that the skills, friendships, and lessons they gained in the youth group will continue to shape their lives as they move forward.

As youth pastors, we have the privilege of guiding our seniors through this significant transition. By acknowledging the transition, providing closure, offering transition resources, encouraging reflection and goal-setting, and emphasizing the bigger picture, we can help our students move on after their senior year in the youth group with confidence and excitement for what lies ahead. Let’s support them in embracing the next chapter of their lives and continue to be a source of guidance and encouragement.

Remember, we play a vital role in shaping the lives of these young individuals, so let’s continue to walk alongside them as they journey into the future. Together, we can make a lasting impact!

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