It can cause major challenges to get our team trained and all on the same page. If we were to go somewhere, we would be fighting with conflicting schedules, travel plans, and not to mention cost. This day will give us a chance to have open conversations with our leaders and this will help us improve. We expect all of our leaders to be there (36 in all)! The opportunity is great, and if we have other churches join us, even better but even if we don’t we believe the hosting cost is worth pouring into our leadership team! — Zachery | Galesburg, IL
The students I serve have been entrusted to my care by God. If I’m going to entrust them to another adult, I’m going to take God’s trusting me with them seriously enough to make sure those adults are well trained and qualified, too. – Jeff | Kalamazoo, MI
See more about the National Day of Volunteer Youth Ministry Training, sign-up to host, and/or be notified when registration opens at
Writing a SWOT analysis paper can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are the steps you need to take in order to get it done: Step 1: Understand the purpose of the SWOT analysis paper. Step 2: Research the subject thoroughly. Step 3: Identify the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Step 4: Create an outline for the paper. Step 5: Write the paper, following the outline.
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This initiative is incredible. It is inspiring to see so many communities coming together to empower youth ministry volunteers.
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