As we come to the end of the year, it’s time to start thinking about our resolutions for the coming year. As a youth pastor, I thought I’d share some resolutions that I think all of us in youth ministry should work toward.
1. Cut down on the pizza and soda at youth events: We all know that pizza and soda are staples of the youth ministry diet, but it’s time to start making healthier choices. Let’s try to offer healthier snacks and drinks to our youth, and maybe even incorporate some physical activity into our events!
2. Take more risks: When we’re trying to reach young people, it’s easy to fall into a rut and stick with the same old activities. Let’s challenge ourselves to try something new and take some risks. It might be scary, but it’s often the only way to reach the teenagers who really need us.
3. Get out of the building: We all know the importance of building relationships with our youth, but sometimes it’s easy to get stuck in the youth room. Let’s try to get out of the building more often and meet our teenagers in their environment. Whether it’s going to a sporting event or just hanging out at a local park, let’s make an effort to meet our students where they are.
4. Listen more: It’s easy to get caught up in our own ideas, but if we want to really make a difference in the lives of our youth, we need to be willing to listen. Let’s strive to listen more and really get to know our youth on a deeper level.
5. Have more fun: Youth ministry can often be a serious business, but let’s not forget to have some fun. Whether it’s playing a game or just goofing off, let’s make sure that our youth know that we care about them and that we want to have fun with them too.
These are just a few of the resolutions that I think we should all be striving for. With a little effort and dedication, I’m sure we can make this an even better year than the last. What would you add? Happy New Year everyone!
Thank you for sharing these resolutions for those involved in youth ministry. They encompass important aspects of creating a positive and impactful experience for young people.
Thank you for sharing these resolutions for those involved in youth ministry. They encompass important aspects of creating a positive and impactful experience for young people. Elastic Man
Getting out of the building and engaging with young people in their own environments is essential for building authentic relationships. By participating in activities they enjoy or simply spending time with them outside of formal settings, you can create stronger connections.
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I love these resolutions Ronald. Taking more risks and trying new things is key to keeping youth ministry fresh and engaging. Incorporating healthier options and activities sounds like a fantastic way to prioritize the well being of the youth too.
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