What do you do in the summer?

Summer is a wild time! Student ministry aside, families take vacations, kids attend all types of summer camps, and who knows what Summer sports are happening! When it comes to work and the regular, you will more than likely feel a little disrupted!

What’s your plan for the summer?


Maybe you have fewer students around. It’s a great time to try things out! If you want to change up your programming schedule or a new teaching method, it could be a great time to try it out!

See if it works with a few or during the summer season, and then you’ll know if it’s good to try in the fall!

Take a break

Maybe it’s a good time to take a week or two off! If you’re going on a trip and taking half of your group, consider having the group take a break.

You’ll want to clear this with leadership first, but it may be a good time to try it out if it’s not your normal. Make sure you communicate to everyone that a break is happening!

Or maybe you can take a longer break! Maybe August is a great month to let families and students recover from the summer and get back into the glove before the youth group starts back!

Have some fun

If your group is not normally one to play games or have a fun outing, summer is a great time to see if that might be something you can add to your group!

It can be as easy as meeting up at a coffee shop or having a board game night or as complicated as arranging a trip to a nearby amusement park or planning a giant scavenger hunt!

Summer is a time when the sun is expected, so if you’ve been looking to experiment, go crazy!

Keep it going

Maybe all the churches in your area decide to lay off for the summer. They all take breaks, and your church is the only one around that keeps the regularly scheduled programming. Maybe that’s the best thing for you and your ministry! The rhythm can help students look forward to the summer break when they don’t go to school and see their friends.

If you go this route, just make sure to still take some time for a personal vacation. It’s really important to rest and recover during the summer months!

What do YOU do?

Is there anything on this list that I missed that you like to do during the summer? I would love to hear it! Sound off below in the comments!

Need a summer game to make things a little wild? Try this one out from DYM!