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8 May 2023

Finding Community as a Youth Pastor

By |2023-05-08T07:43:04-07:00May 8th, 2023|Youth Pastor Life|24 Comments

As a youth pastor, you likely spend a lot of time building and investing in your community of students. You pour your heart and soul into teaching, guiding, and supporting them as they navigate their faith and their lives. But in the midst of all this, it’s easy to forget about the importance of finding your own community.

As someone who has dedicated themselves to serving others, it’s essential that you have a group of people who can support and encourage you. This is especially true in the demanding and emotionally taxing role of a youth pastor.

Here are a few reasons why finding your own community is so crucial:

  1. It helps you avoid burnout.

As a youth pastor, it’s all too easy to become consumed by the needs of others. You might find yourself working long hours, neglecting your own needs, and feeling drained and exhausted. When you have a community of your own, however, you can find support and encouragement that helps you avoid burnout.

  1. It helps you stay accountable.

Being a youth pastor is a weighty responsibility, and it’s easy to feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. When you have a community of your own, however, you have people who can hold you accountable and help you stay focused on what matters most. They can offer you guidance and wisdom when you’re feeling lost, and they can help you stay on track with your goals and priorities.

  1. It helps you grow in your faith.

As a youth pastor, you spend a lot of time pouring into others’ spiritual lives. But it’s important that you take time to nurture your own relationship with God as well. When you have a community of your own, you have people who can challenge you, inspire you, and help you grow in your faith.

So how do you go about finding your own community? Here are a few tips:

  1. Look for a group of people who share your values and beliefs.

Whether it’s a group at your church or an online community, look for people who share your commitment to following Jesus. You’ll find that having this shared foundation can help you build deeper connections and find greater support.

  1. Be intentional about making connections.

It’s not enough to simply show up to a group and expect to find community. You have to be intentional about building relationships with others. Take the time to get to know people, ask them about their lives, and share your own story with them.

  1. Be vulnerable.

One of the key ingredients to building deep and meaningful relationships is vulnerability. Don’t be afraid to share your struggles and your doubts with others. When you’re willing to be vulnerable, you’ll find that others are more likely to open up to you as well.

As a youth pastor, finding your own community is essential for your well-being and your growth in faith. Look for a group of people who share your values and beliefs, be intentional about making connections, and be vulnerable. With these ingredients in place, you’ll find that you have the support and encouragement you need to continue pouring into the lives of others with joy and passion.


Need to reclaim some time so you CAN find community? You need to check out this training:

25 Apr 2017

Why You Shouldn’t Avoid Conflict

By |2017-04-21T07:33:57-07:00April 25th, 2017|Leadership, Uncategorized|0 Comments

The first time I had a major issue with a volunteer I tried to ignore it. I didn’t want to deal with the emotions or blame that would come with addressing the situation. I was so afraid of the situation that I even hoped other people would address it before me. I was a coward.

Eventually I sat down with the person and it didn’t go well. They were more upset that I had let so much time pass by instead of addressing the situation right away. I’d like to say that was the last time avoided conflict. (more…)

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