Every so often, we see people ask on the Download Youth Ministry Community Facebook page how they can get speaking gigs. Here are some great tips just for you!
Be Faithful with Your Own Students
Before you start speaking to students from other ministries, make sure your heart is fully committed to your own group. Students can tell if you’re using them as a stepping stone in your ministry. They know whether you’re being sincere or not!
Make your ministry to your own students your top priority, and other opportunities will fall into place.
Record Yourself Speaking
Not many people enjoy watching themselves speak—I’m one of those people! But if you want to improve as a speaker, you need to critique yourself. Recording your talks and reviewing them gives you a chance to see where you can improve. Plus, it provides you with something to send to people who might ask for a sample of your teaching.
It’s better to have something ready to send than to stress out about recording your next message at the last minute!
Speak for Free Locally
There are plenty of local opportunities that can help you get used to speaking to outside groups. Your local high school or middle school likely has a Fellowship of Christian Athletes—reach out and see if you can speak to them! A local Christian club at those schools may also be an option.
If there’s a Christian school nearby with a chapel service, offer to speak there. Meeting the needs of local ministries is a great way to gain experience!
Trade Youth Groups with the Church Down the Street
It’s possible that a youth pastor you know is also looking for more speaking experience. You could arrange to trade speaking engagements—one week you speak at their youth group, and they speak at yours the next. This could provide a local church with a break and give you both valuable experience. You might even make a new friend in the process!
Don’t Suggest Yourself
This might just be my personal preference, but when someone suggests themselves for a speaking gig, I’m much less likely to consider them. While this isn’t a hard-and-fast rule, I personally find it off-putting. Instead, ask a friend to recommend you.
If they don’t, even after you’ve asked, it could be a good opportunity for some soul-searching to figure out why.
Did I miss anything? Is there anything else you would suggest? Let me know in the comments!
Need to pick up some tips on talking to the squirrelly students? Grab this helpful guide on the DYM store!
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Having an online presence through a personal website or blog can showcase your speaking topics, testimonials, and videos of your talks. It can serve as a portfolio retro bowl for potential organizers looking to book speakers.
Having an online presence through a personal website or blog can showcase your speaking topics, testimonials, and videos of your talks. It can serve as a portfolio that’s not my neighbor for potential organizers looking to book speakers.
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