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8 Mar 2024

Youth Min Roundup – 03/08/2024

By |2024-03-08T08:23:22-08:00March 8th, 2024|Youth Ministry Roundup|5 Comments

Here are just a few interesting finds this week from around the Youth Min Multiverse:

šŸ˜‚Ā From Our Online Community

Last week, we asked our Instagram followers and Facebook Group members to tell us about their worst youth ministry-related injury. They did not disappoint.Ā Here are just a few of our favorites:

  • I had Volunteer Leader who didnā€™t want to wear the helmet in the Sumo Suitā€¦fell backwards and cracked her skull.

  • Dislocated my pinky during dodgeball game and popped back inā€¦unfortunately the tendons never reattached in the ā€œhealing process ā€œ so now have a janky pinky

  • Leader hid on a roof for a game of capture the the counselor. Got too into getting away that he jumped (1 story about 8 foot) and broke his ankle. He didnā€™t have insurance. I did a duct tape splint to get him to a doc we knewā€¦ after he finished the game.

  • Just say no to the blob. You are in your 30ā€™s, and landing on your feet because of a panic attack isnā€™t going to feel good. (Spoiler alert, you broke your leg in front of 75 students, parents, and children)

  • Ugh. We were playing marshmallow baseball at a lock-in. It inevitably turned into a marshmallow food fight. A 7th grader pelted me in the face with a jumbo marshmallow from point blank. So I picked it up and chucked it at him as hard as I could, as he ran away laughing. I missed him and tore my labrum (shoulder ligament).

  • Broom hockey. Metal handle broke. Girl kept playing with the broom. Sliced a girls finger almost off. Bad. No more metal handles. But we still play broom hockey. But only wood handles. Let that be a lesson to you all.

  • Going all in on slip slide kickball led to 5 months of intense pain, discovering a major herniation on my back and ending in surgery. Now I cheer.

  • Built a Karate PiƱata Game šŸŖ…
    Leader is blindfolded in the middle. He goes hard and kicks a piƱataā€¦ kicks too high and the carabiner clip someone goes right into his calf muscle. He is bleeding. He canā€™t see anything, and keeps going. While attached to the mechanism, he pulls the arm down thatā€™s holding the piƱata. The game is now destroyed. Blood spewing everywhere. Itā€™s a mess in so many ways. Leader needed to be taken to the hospital. Meanwhile Iā€™m running a parent meeting in the other room.
  • Broke a students finger playing volleyball during a mission trip. Thought it was just jammed, and we kept pulling and tugging on it all week. We got home, and the student had surgery for a separate finger, and split bone. Thatā€™s only one

  • Brought a group to Alaska in 2021. Our pastors son broke his leg within 24 hours of being there. He had to have surgery IN Alaskaā€¦ I still have my job and weā€™re going back this summer with the same kid. This time our pastor is coming too haha

  • We had a volunteer leader who was wearing a suit of armor for a VBS skitā€¦a student whacked the helmet with a sword, the face guard fell off and split the volunteerā€™s lip and knocked a tooth out.

  • Jumbo beach ball, kid ran straight into it not seeing the kid on the other side. Kid on other side goes flying. Compound fracture to arm. Thankfully it was the child of a volunteer and the family was very gracious.

  • We were doing a massive slip and slide event, decided to use stakes to pin down the tarp. A student found one of them with his foot and severed the webbing between his toes. It was gnarlyā€¦

  • Set of twins. First 24 hours of camp.
    Twin 1 -Sunday night, one twin tries to jump a rope fence and his foot nicks the top, and he fell head first – concussion.
    Twin 2 – Monday Mid-day, tries to do a gainer off the diving board. Water pushes his legs back into his face on impact – he knocked one of his front teeth out with his knee and also gets a concussion.
    Needless to say, they hit their deductibles that year!

If you didn’t get a chance to contribute, don’t worry! We post a new discussion topic every Friday. You can find them onĀ our Instagram feed and in our Facebook Group.

šŸ‘€ Meet DYM Author Janelle Prenkert!

“I have been serving in youth ministry since 1998 in both volunteer and staff roles. Small groups have always been a passion of mine. From leading my own group to coordinating and training small group leaders, I love watching God work!”

See all of Janelle’s resources!

1 Mar 2024

Youth Min Roundup – 03/01/2024

By |2024-03-01T08:04:53-08:00March 1st, 2024|Youth Ministry Roundup|4 Comments

Here are just a few interesting finds this week from around the Youth Min Multiverse:

šŸ˜‚Ā From Our Online Community

Last week, we asked our Instagram followers and Facebook Group members to tell help us come up with a list of youth ministry’s “unwritten rules.” They did NOT disappoint. Here are just a few of our favorites:

  • There is the deadline you set, then the deadline youā€™re working with for the ā€œIs it too late to sign up?ā€ crowd.

  • The Youth Pastor gets to keep all the points when the bus stops at McDonalds, Chick-Fil-A, Taco Bell, or Chipotle. There is no wiggle room here.

  • Whatever time you actually need to leave, tell everyone you’re leaving 30 minutes earlier.

  • When youā€™re at camp with a few hundred middle schoolers and we pass out grape juice boxes for communion, you are NOT allowed to poke the hole in the top and SHOT GUN your juice box.

  • On the way to camp, when we stop at a gas station for a bathroom break you are NOT allowed to buy 2, 2-liters of orange soda and try to drink them on the bus, even if they were on sale for $2.

  • It would also be in your best interest if you also knew first aid, how to edit videos, broadcast online, run a soundboard, drive a bus, fix a vehicle on the side of the road, work a snack shop, lead worship, know everything there is to sound systems, live on 3 hours of sleep, be well versed n the law, this and many other things in the ā€œother dutiesā€ section šŸ˜‚. I feel very well-rounded now, though.

  • The students are where you lead them, if you are dissatisfied with where they are lead differently.

  • An eating contest is a pre-show for a vomit contest.

  • Hear me out: NO GLITTER OF ANY KIND… EVER…

  • Do not hand cash to the youth minister on Sunday. Give it to a mom in an envelope.

  • Donā€™t grow the kids ministry from the youth ministry.

  • The same number of people that leave on the trip come back on the trip. No more no less.

  • Don’t post negative comments about anyone in your church thinking they’ll certainly never see it and infer it’s about them.

  • Donā€™t take a life. Donā€™t make a life.
  • When you cross the border, NO ONE SAYS A WORD. For example, when the border agent asks. ā€œDo you have any weapons to declare?ā€ A student should not say, ā€œjust these guns,ā€ as he tries to make muscles.

  • The person before you in the job had way more kids show up.

  • No licking your boyfriendā€™s face.

If you didn’t get a chance to contribute, don’t worry! We post a new discussion topic every Friday. You can find them onĀ our Instagram feed and in our Facebook Group.

If you’ve ever had any questions about how to run the best Nerf War… Joe definitely has you covered.

Everything About Nerf Wars

Ever wanted to do a Cereal Bracket for March Madness? Then check out what Skylar made!

March Madness Cereal Edition

šŸ‘€ Wild Youth Ministry Story of the Week

Identity kept anonymous because… JUST KIDDING IT WAS MICHELLE ANDERSON.

During a winter camp one year, it stormed like crazy. 5 feet of snow overnight! Our big white 15-passenger van (a youth ministry staple) was totally stuck.

“Grab something and start shoveling, we have to get this unstuck!”

We started using anything we could find: garbage lids, dustpans, etc. Well, a student took this to heart, and without me knowing, he climbed UNDER the front of the van and started using a dustpan to clear the wheels. (NOT SMART FYI) The other youth pastor had me get in the van to see if we could get some traction, and THANKFULLY, the student was in between the front wheels because I got traction and started rocking back and forth. The students jumped up from under the van, and it totally hit him and knocked him over and down the side of a hill.

We never saw him again…

J.K., he was fine. The moral of the story? Um..check under your van if you ask kids to help clear away snow. That seems extremely specific, but YOU NEVER KNOW.

16 Feb 2024

Youth Min Roundup – 02/16/2024

By |2024-02-16T08:59:17-08:00February 16th, 2024|Youth Ministry Roundup|15 Comments

Here are just a few interesting finds this week from around the Youth Min Multiverse:

šŸ˜¬ Having The Talk…

Check out this Conversation Kit on Dating from axis.org that you can forward to the parents in your ministry. This two-part video series is designed to be watched together and then discussed as you work through the big questions about falling in love while pursuing Christ.

šŸ‘€ Observing Lent This Year?

This is NOT what it means…


Where did everybody go?! Sports, graduation, school…Showing up for youth group becomes less and less of a priority, but Ronald Long has 4 tips that will see you through…


Are you subconsciously telling people they donā€™t matter?

Check back next week to see what else the intrepid DYM Team stumbles upon…

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