Here are just a few interesting finds this week from around the Youth Min Multiverse:
😬 Having The Talk…
Check out this Conversation Kit on Dating from that you can forward to the parents in your ministry. This two-part video series is designed to be watched together and then discussed as you work through the big questions about falling in love while pursuing Christ.
👀 Observing Lent This Year?
This is NOT what it means…
Where did everybody go?! Sports, graduation, school…Showing up for youth group becomes less and less of a priority, but Ronald Long has 4 tips that will see you through…
Are you subconsciously telling people they don’t matter?
Check back next week to see what else the intrepid DYM Team stumbles upon…
Oh wow, it’s so funny
The video is really funny.
Geometry Dash Game thank you
I greatly appreciate the time and consideration you offered me. You are my greatest motivation, and I am always grateful to you.