The second part of psalm 9:1 always comes at the right time in my life. The whole psalm is great, but this part has two personal challenges that devote my heart toward God. David writes:

“I will tell of all your wonders.”

David’s promise is inspiring. Convicting. Disturbing. It forces me to ask:

Why do I let God become ordinary?

David’s song reminds me to think about the good and amazing things God has done in my life…and in the world. When I forget that God is active and constantly working in my life, I begin to assume his deeds as my own. At first it’s just slothful ignorance; but it doesn’t take too long to transform into blatant arrogance. This pride looks at great things in my life and says, “I HAVE DONE THIS!”

The antidote is to consider deeply the true roots of the my many blessings.


Telling others is the second inspiration, and I wonder if my words share the wonders of God. I look back on my recent conversations — with friends and strangers — and evaluate how I gave God credit. I look for the opportunities lost so I don’t repeat the mistakes of the past.

Thinking about the wonders of God will make me more thankful too God (which is the first part of this verse), but they will also be “on my mind” throughout the day. Not far from my attention, I will be ready to tell others about the wonders of God when the time is right.

Of course, it’s not enough to give all of this a superficial treatment. Having a few stock answers won’t make me very thankful to God, nor will it be very encouraging to others. I have to look deep for the specific wonders of God in my life, my world, and of course, in Scripture as well.

For me, God shouldn’t be ordinary. I ought to know his wonders so I can talk to others about them and him.

I believe the best youth ministry happens when we follow God fiercely and invite others to be a part of the journey.

WORTH REPEATING? “Great youth ministry happens when we follow God fiercely & invite others to be a part of the journey.”