Here’s an interesting article in the Register-Herald about megachurches. Saddleback is mentioned, in this clip:
The letter arrived in my mailbox unannounced. It laid out a plan for starting a new church outside town with another congregation. This new church would have plenty of parking, a multipurpose building and baseball and soccer fields.
I appreciated the consideration of the letter since I only attend that church and am not a member. But I was a little surprised because I hadn’t realized anyone at the church was imagining this new direction.
The Great Commission in Matthew Chapter 28 says to go forth teaching, preaching and baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. It says nothing about building soccer fields and multipurpose buildings.
It’s the mega-church movement, the big-box concept lived out in the evangelical community. According to The Week Magazine’s Web site, the United States has 1,210 churches with congregations of more than 2,000 people. Three sources I consulted used 2,000 to define a mega-church.
Some of the mega-churches have their own restaurants and coffee shops plus myriad other activities going on at their “campuses.” Rick Warren, pastor of the nation’s largest church, said the parking lot at his Saddleback Church is 30 acres.
The “build it and they will come” mentality came from Hollywood, not the Holy Word.
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