Joby has a great new article on less being more in the new year in youth ministry. Some great stuff, clearly written by a guy in the trenches with a great here. Here’s a clip:
I walked into my office today, after a week of traveling and visiting family, to a youth ministry reality that will never change. THERE IS NOT ENOUGH TIME TO GET EVERYTHING DONE THAT NEEDS TO GET DONE. I live in your world. There are phone calls to be made, students to visit, talks to write, events to plan, and the list goes on. Don’t fall into the trap that ’07 will be different if I just suck it up and do more.
Make your New Year’s resoltion to do less. What if this year instead of staying busy, because we all know how well its worked in the past, you became more focused. I know one of the biggest struggles of youth workers that are new to PDYM is a sense of being overwhelmed with information. A youth worker that has been accustomed to a couple of bible studies a week and some fun activities doesn’t see how to become purpose driven.
I mean there is evangelism, worship, discipleship, ministry, fellowship, small groups, crowd program, volunteers – and I still have to keep everything going. You are probably excited about the newyear with all the new opportunities and are ready to make ’07 be the year when you get all things accomplished. You plan on creating an evangelism team that is finally committed and passionate about spreading the gospel with every student in your community. You are going to create the coolest worship service in town. You are going to finally see your students show up with their Bibles and beg to be taught. You are going to recruit and train the greatest group of volunteers since the days of Peter, James, and John. And all this is going to be done before your next youth meeting. Right …
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