Last night we had a wonderful meeting with some of our core volunteers about what next years curriculum should consist of. We realize our leaders our boots on the ground and they collectively have a great pulse of where our students are as whole based off the different groups they have. So the night is using their knowledge of this year, conversations they have had and situations they went throughout o help better our curriculum and small groups for next year. We explain that all ideas are exactly that… ideas. Hold on to them loosely because we may not use them. We want to include volunteers because they have some great insight and when they are included they feel ownership of the ministry. It was so fun to talk, discuss and dream with our leaders.
Here is what the basic run down looked like:
6pm – Leaders arrive
6:10pm- intros/thanks/prays lets eat.
- Half way through eating (Get up and explains the discussion questions on each table. Our staff will be at tables with computers taking notes down). We had discussion questions about the year so leaders can dialogue about their favorite moments, least favorite moments, what worked for them to teach, anything creative they did to help a lesson and share stories of life change.
6:45pm – I explain the night, what future holds for small groups possibilities.
6:55pm – Explain the different stations
7pm – Dismiss to stations.
7:05pm – Stations start.
- Sticky note ideas – MO2 lunch room. Using color coded notes, leaders will come up with ideas of topics for 1-off topics, curriculum 2-5 weeks series, small group workshop ideas, and video curriculum ideas. They basically think of different topics they deem important for students to know.
- Video curriculum ideas – Common area offices – station is watching part of different video curriculums and answering a questionnaire about what works, what doesn’t, how should it look, how long, what worksheets and type of questions should go with it?
- FAQ – Josh’s office – What topics, questions, things came up that you felt unequipped to deal with? How can we better train you next year? What parts of our curriculum did you use and were effective?
- Prayer station – MO2 lobby – Leaders will spend time in prayer over small groups next year. They will literally write out on note cards a prayer for their own small group, their own life, for HSM, and a ministry faith goal within their group.
7:50pm – Back to MO2 to pray and dismiss.
It was such a great night to get together with our leaders, eat, talk, have fun and pray as we prep for next year.
[…] Small Group Leader Curriculum Brainstorm Meeting […]