Sidekick just keeps getting better!

The newest update to Sidekick was just pushed live and it includes a TON of things you’re gonna like!

? Drag and Drop reordering is here

You can now reorder and organize any file manually! Change up the order of your Trivia questions, adjust the layout of items in Boxes or the Wheel of Destiny, and order your teams in Leaderboard to make it easier to update the points and announce who’s in the lead!

? Hide Next Winner

We heard you! Seeing the next winner isn’t always what you want. Sometimes you just want the computer to decide and you not know the winner. So now, in all of our ‘picker’ builders (Boxes, PickMe, PhotoFury, Wheel of Destiny) you can now hide the next winner from view.


☕️ Improved Performance

  • fixed a bug where popups would appear too low, making scrolling difficult.
  • fixed a bug in Advanced Crop that would sometimes make it unusable.
  • fixed a bug in Trivia where it would appear dark and moody.
  • fixed a plethora of other bugs!

Updating Sidekick is easy!

Find more details about the fixes and features AND upgrade to the newest version* by clicking the Gift icon in the top right-hand menu. 

Screen Shot 2018-12-28 at 4.13.10 PM 

When you’re ready, click Update and Restart. The update will happen automatically and you’ll be ready to go in no time! *Be sure you’re connected to the internet before you begin the update! 

We hope you enjoy Sidekick as much as we do! As always, if you have any questions, reach out to other users in the DYM Facebook Community OR email us anytime at [email protected].