The long-awaited Youth Pastor Diet 2020 details are here! Let’s do this!
At some point you expressed interest in losing weight and getting in on this life-changing contest… so, are you still interested? If you’re not now… just wait ’til you see the prizes! It will be so fun doing this with youth workers across North America.
No one likes to diet … but this 100-day contest will make something that’s normally no fun (like church staff meetings or doing receipts under the watchful eye of a less-than-loving church treasurer) … a TON (pun intended) of fun. With 100s of people in our youth ministry tribe becoming healthier leaders together, we’ll share laughter, great stories, recipes, and some helpful motivation in our private Facebook groups.
Start thinking of who you’ll invite to join you… or cheer you on.
Don’t do this alone! Invite your spouse or a couple key volunteers to join you! This year everything is BIGGER as we get SMALLER.
Our goal is a massive one:
- To lose a collective 10 TONS of weight! AND,
- To give away equally massive prizes: the winners from both the Male & Female divisions get serious cash prizes for the Top 3 spots, and in addition, we’re giving away some hugeVACATIONS and TRIPS, too! But wait, it gets better, we’re also giving weekly giveaways and gift cards, too!
Don’t wait! Join today! Let’s do this! You’ll be glad you did. Get all of the details here:
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