So if you didn’t know, my wife is literally going to have a baby any minute. Our due date is Friday but baby Graham could come at any moment. This is our first kid so you can just imagine all the stuff going through my mind right now. So I just thought I would write down the craziness in my brain because I feel like it is all over the place. If some of them help, I’m so happy but this is just a brain dump on thoughts that range from ministry to family and life.

Welcome to my brain:

  • We are as ready as we will ever be (without fully being ready) for the coming of our son. Now we just wait for God to do His thing. We are to step back and just let the miracle of life happen.
  • In ministry there are many times where we have done everything we have needed to do to get ready for a sermon, night or event and we don’t step back and let God do His thing. We try and do it ourselves. Step back and let him work. You did all the prep work now step back and watch a miracle happen.
  • You won’t know how good of a leader you are until there will be a few weeks where you will be gone and your leaders will need to step up and take over. I’m about to be gone for paternity and it is nice to feel like nothing will skip a beat.
  • I’m trying to eat healthy and it’s hard. I just want a big bowl of a five cheese mac’n’cheese… with bacon.
  • Babies need a lot of stuff… a lot of stuff.
  • The more and more I am hanging out with friends of my students who don’t go to church, the more and more I realize how Biblically illiterate, not only our students friends are, but who we would consider our core students are. When I come back from paternity, I am wanting to begin to restructure how I teach to make sure I don’t loose students along the journey I want to take them from A to B in my messages.
  • Whenever someone says “Who cares?” they’re almost always saying it to someone who cares.
  • My students are so excited about my baby… like freakishly excited. I love it.
  • Yes, I have an opinion about everything that is going on in our country. No, I won’t post it online because nothing good comes from it. These conversations do best in person, face-to-face knee-to-knee.
  • In going to counseling, I have been finding out a lot about myself i the sense of who I am as a leader and what types of things fill me up and what types of things drain me. I have learned that I am very value driven. I have a certain set of values and everything I do is based off those things. If it goes outside of those things, I don’t do it…period. I have realized what has drained me in leadership is that when people don’t do a certain something. If I give someone responsibility it’s because I trust them greatly. When they do not complete the task, in my brain it’s like they are saying they don’t value my leadership and trust in them. Obviously, this could get messy so I need to practice how I respond in situations like this.
  • You spend your entire childhood being told not to talk to strangers but as a pastor its one of the most important things you have to do.

Yikes, that is all over the place. Pray for me. I’ll need it! HA!

