As we all pretty much have pivoted to online programming, I thought I would share a simple post of really easy but practical bits and segments we have been able to do that has worked really well for us. I have had a few other youth pastors reach out and say they have taken these and have fun with their live streams as well.
I love how they turned out and they have been really engaging to our online audience as we navigate this weird and new time of ministry.
I will try to post what we have come up with every two weeks or so to keep ideas flowing and rolling.
I hope that is helpful and can spark some good ideas on your end.
Hey Justin!
How are you guys qualifying/quantifying “engagement” with your online audience?
Hey! All be honest, with the online section, our digital team gives me the numbers so it’s whatever they deem as a real “engagement” would be for the main church. For us, the main one is how many students jump in groups afterwards.