Weekend Teaching Series: What I Wish I Knew in Junior High (week 4 of 5)
Sermon Synopsis: This weekend we continued the What I Wish I Knew with our worship leader Bella Johnson talking about storms from her junior high years and the pressures on a young woman when she was growing up. It was a great message from her story that invited all students to realize that Jesus is with them in their boat and cares for them as the navigate the waters of their junior high years.
- Service Length: 61 minutes
- Key Scripture:
Element of Fun/Positive Environment: This week we played a couple really fun games First up was Summer Games trivia getting ready for the Summer Olympics and also played the inspiring Matt McGill Sports Instructional Video each week (the 3 pack is just $1 and hilarious, cheesy, nuts) into our crowd favorite … Head, Shoulders, Knees, Cup. It’s SUCH a simple game and yet so perfect. We’ll play it again at Fall Kickoff for sure!
- Pre-service music: Spotify Mariners JH Playlist
- Countdown Video: Life Hacks 5m Countdown Video into Extreme Dot Race!
- Worship Set List: Every Little Thing, Raise a Hallelujah
Student Involvement: This week we had a full tech team of junior high students and they ran Sidekick.TV for both the Pick Me [to pick random a student who checked in for the service] and Wheel of Destiny [to select their prize]. I’m proud of our tech students, they’re doing a GREAT job and even started their own Instagram, too!
Favorite Moment: This weekend the church janitor revealed his next creation – a Summer Camp promo animated video! He previously made the amazing Llama Countdown video (now available on DYM as well) and it made me SO proud. He’s SO talented! I’m hoping his stuff blows up on DYM and he can support himself someday with just his amazing creativity. I loved it! Easily my favorite moment of the week.
Up next: What I Wish I Knew in JH (week 5, Mandy speaking)
It’s such an easy game, but it’s just right.
Thank you for sharing! The rice purity test is a fun questionnaire that measures one’s “purity” based on various life experiences.