Do you have enough staff support for your youth ministry? Do you have enough volunteers to serve students well? Our friend Nick Blevins is doing a survey with a BIG prize we wanted you to know about:
There are exceptions, but I usually feel like we never have enough staff or volunteers in our ministry. I know I’m not alone, because it’s a topic that usually comes up when I talk with other ministry leaders. I enjoy talking with other ministry leaders about this topic so I can get a sense for their experience and compare it with my own. There aren’t a lot of guides and benchmarks out there when it comes to healthy staff and volunteer ratios, but the book Sustainable Youth Ministry is one of them.
To go along with that, I’m hosting a survey where ministry leaders can share their staffing and volunteer ratios. Would you mind sharing yours? When the survey is wrapped up you’ll be able to see the full results and use it as a guide for your ministry. In addition, we’re giving away a number of prizes as a way of saying thank you for your input. One of the prizes is a one-year Gold Membership to DYM!