I was at a DNOW retreat this weekend in Georgia – and was BLOWN AWAY by something I experienced.

Now this was a big event, huge really. 24 churches combined, who have been doing it for like 24 years – this event had momentum and critical mass to spare. Just about every seat was filled in the massive hosting megachurch. But what impressed me from the minute I got there was a throng of yellow shirts and gray hair.

They were everywhere! I bet there was more than 50 older volunteers, most of them 60+ yrs old – all serving and loving students. It was incredible.

  • Parking lot hosts with little yellow lightsabers
  • Warm smiles greeting me at the door
  • Lots of laughter and fun with students in the foyer
  • Eager help at the info booth
  • Hugging students
  • Helping man each merch table
  • Backstage refilling drinks and snacks
  • The warmest security I’ve ever seen (they could have been easily outrun by any junior higher I might add)
  • Handing out food at lunch
  • Handling injuries
  • Talking to students
  • Helping lost students
  • Asking great questions to students
  • Sitting in the pews with students

It was a GREAT weekend – but the biggest thing I walked away with was a church that empowered the gray hair to serve students. Man, it was awesome! They got youth ministry! Incredible.

Gray hair, yellow shirts, HUGE hearts. Jesus would be proud.