I used to start out the school year with the attitude, “This is the year!”. This would be the year I:

  • Get better grades.
  • Ask out that girl.
  • Make varsity and start.
  • Make the honor roll

And each year, maybe one of those things would happen. In the new year I would have a similar attitude. I would exclaim, “This is the year!” This would be the year I:

  • Get in shape.
  • Ask out that girl.
  • Lose weight

And each, year maybe one of those things would happen. It wasn’t that I was bad at setting goals, I just couldn’t keep them.

If you want your ministry to grow and move, it’s going to need you setting goals. It’s going to need you dreaming big and casting vision. The problem is that many of us hold back from dreaming big or setting new goals because it’s intimidating. The idea of failing at your goals can be embarrassing and deflating. To overcome those feelings you need to look at how you approach your goals. To set proper goals and keep them for the new year make sure you:

  • Write Them Down: When you write down a goal you give it weight. It becomes tangible and real, which means it’s hard to ignore. Whether you write down your dreams in a journal or a post it in front of you, make sure it’s recorded and not forgotten.
  • Put Together A Plan: It’s one thing to dream, it’s another to work towards achieving them. To reach your goals it’s important to put together a plan. That plan might involve research or setting mini goals that lead to the big one. No matter the plan make sure it’s there to help you move forward.
  • Share It With Others: Sharing your goals (And your plans) with others brings you accountability and additional resources. Tell someone or a group of people what you hope to do. Give them permission to ask you about it. Someone might have a connection or ability to help you achieve them. People will cheer you on and help you through the challenges. Get them out there.
  • Celebrate Small Milestones: As you get closer to achieving your goals, celebrate. Buy yourself a special coffee drink or throw yourself a party. Share your accomplishments on social media and create some hype. The more excitement around a goal the more you will build momentum.
  • Pray On It: It seems so obvious; however, it cannot be repeated enough. Share your goals with God and see how He’ll work through them. You might have the right intentions or a great vision; however, no strategy. God’s going to give you that strategy. He’s going to give you the resources and people you need to accomplish them, you just need to work on trusting Him.

Setting goals are easy, it’s keeping them that’s the challenge. Make sure you take your dreams and give them weight. Do not hold onto them secretly, and trust that God is working through you to accomplish them all.

What goals do you have for the new year?