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5 Dec 2017

Best of 2017: Most Popular Membership Items

By |2017-12-04T20:49:44-08:00December 5th, 2017|Youth Ministry Resources|0 Comments

The Best of 2017 is a collection of lists – best-selling resources, most buzzed about blog posts or products that moved the #youthministry needle this past year. In this edition we carve out the top membership items that are now in the DYM Store. Out of literally a hundred membership items this year, these rose to the very top. Not a member and missed out on these FREE downloads each month? Start your membership today, or at the very least consider grabbing of few of these sure-fire winners:

Best of 2017: Most Popular Membership Item

  1. Welcome to Youth Service
  2. Gif Charades
  3. Odd Man Out
  4. Sirioke: Animated Movies Edition
  5. 7 Video Transition Pack
  6. Fool’s Gold Video

NOTE:  This list chooses to exclude Dead Cat, which one the coveted Game of the Years moniker late last week. Read about it here!

5 Nov 2016

GUEST POST: Living Water Resource

By |2016-11-02T05:47:11-07:00November 5th, 2016|Teaching/Programming|0 Comments

GUEST POST by Jake King

The resource Living Water was inspired from water balloons, yes water balloons. I planned on having a crazy night near the end of summer full of water games. A couple months before this night, I was reading my devotions and this passage just hit me in the face like a water balloon. I was reading from John 7, and in verses 37-39 something really stood out to me. We are all familiar with Jesus inviting all those who are thirsty to come to him, it’s even in some worship songs. But then Jesus talks about how the Scriptures declare that rivers of living water will flow from the hearts of those that come to Jesus.

Jesus is living water, and satisfies all that come to Him. But when we come to Jesus, we are then commissioned to be a river of living water to others. When others encounter us, they should be directed to the source of Living Water. What made this passage even better for me was learning more about the context of the Scriptures that Jesus was talking about.

In the Old Testament, with the Feast of Booths, the people remembered their wilderness journeys and the times that the people were so thirsty that Moses had to give them water from a rock. In this festival a person would carry water from this pool and take it to the Temple, pouring it out to remember when God provided. When they would do this they would chant something like “come you who are thirsty, come to the waters and drink from the wells of salvation.” Jesus was showing that he was the fulfillment of this festival! Those are the kind of awesome Old and New Testament connections I love.

So what started as planning crazy youth group games that involved water (knowing that I would speak about Jesus as Living Water), led to a deeper understanding of the Scripture for me, and thus for my youth group. Through the planning of the games, I also came up with a twist on kickball. Imagine kickball with the base (or bases, depending on your group and how you want to play), and the only way to get out is by being hit by water balloons.

We had a blast playing all of our water games and the students especially loved the Water Balloon Baby Pool Kickball, and cannot wait to play again. But after all the fun and games, after all the water, we sat and learned together. We learned about how Jesus is Living Water and how he commissions us to be rivers of living water to others.

So check out the resource right here on DYM – it even includes instructions for the kickball game!


3 Nov 2016

What You’re Searching For: Volume 1

By |2016-11-02T05:40:12-07:00November 3rd, 2016|Teaching/Programming|0 Comments


I have access to all of the searches people do on the DYM site – and there are some hilarious ones in there. In fact, first off it would be good to mention that our search on the site is getting a major overhaul and in the next few weeks it isn’t working perfectly. We’re working on it, and in the meantime enjoy some of what you’re searching for!

#1 search term: ELECTION and #2 search term: TRUMP

You can see all of our voting/election resources in this subcategory here, but specifically we would recommend the Ultimate Campaign Slogan Quiz or Trump or Animal 2.

#3 search term: THANKFUL

There’s a bunch of Thanksgiving-themed games, sermons and worship nights on this page, but this Pumpkin Spice game is already far and away the best-seller of the month!

#4 search term: VIDEO TRAINING

We’ve got TONS of video training, including some discount bundles and great youth ministry thinkers and teachers. Train your volunteers the easy way and with some super content.

So that’s some of what you’re searching for! Stay tuned for more installments in the future!


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