Almost every weekend I come into church so excited for being able to hang out with students and do our services. Now if I am allowed to be honest with you, this last weekend I had no desire whatsoever to do what I normally love to do. I am sure there are some weeks where you know exactly what I am talking about. You’re tired, something is off, and you would rather be doing something else then be around teenagers all day. You don’t feel like being there, talking to anybody, or preaching. Maybe it’s a spiritual attack or maybe it is just the fact you are tired and have not had a real Sabbath in a while.
Regardless, as leaders of our ministry we must act our way into feeling. If I did what my feelings told me, those weekends on which I feel like what I described above, would not be fair for the students we serve. Sometimes as leaders we need to act our way into feeling because we won’t feel our way into acting. When we do not feel like doing something or being somewhere or serving at the church function, we need act like it’s the best place to be.
Why? Here is why. Almost every time I have ever felt this way, God reminds me why I do what I do. He reminds me with a conversation with someone that has a huge impact. This weekend I talked with a student that resulted in life change and them turning towards Jesus. Did I feel like talking to that student at that particular time? Not at all. Did I because I know that is what I normally do? Yes.
I had an amazing conversation happen and I snapped out of my funk and God, like He always does, reminds me how faithful He is even though in that moment I was just going through the motions. He reminded me how faithful He is even though we are not always full of faith.
I am constantly reminded; one conversation could change a life. Even better, one conversation could change an eternity. So act on the thought that God is faithful when we are not and He can snap you right out of that weird feeling and remind you why you do what you do.
Romans 3:3-4
What if some did not have faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God’s faithfulness? Not at all!
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