Who doesn’t like to celebrate things?

Surprisingly lots of ministries forget to do this. Ministry is a job that we will never fully see the end result. There is always work to be done, a meeting to be had, a service to plan. It can be really easy to get caught up in the go, go, go of ministry because there is always something coming up. We never seem to take a minute to look back of what you, your team and God has just done in that service, at that camp, at that event. I love looking forward, but your volunteers need to know that they are doing what they are supposed to be doing, that they are doing well at it and they are being used by God to make an impact. This DOES NOT happen unless you as the leader…STOP and CELEBRATE with them.

As the leader it is OUR JOB to make the celebration happen. Make sure at your next volunteer meeting you celebrate what God is doing in your ministry. Ask your leaders for stories. Make sure you celebrate those leaders who are going above and beyond. Make them an example of how to lead. Make sure you allow them to tell stories in celebration of how God is working in your students. Make sure in your next staff meeting you get up and celebrate a few things you have seen in your ministry so everyone can get a feel and get excited for what is going on.

What gets celebrated gets repeated.
What gets celebrated gets repeated.
What gets celebrated gets repeated.
You love what your leaders did at camp? Celebrate them. Let them know. They will keep doing it. You saw a student reach out to a kid sitting by themselveves? Celebrate them. Let them know. You saw a leader just stop and pray for a student? Celebrate that and let them know. They will keep doing it. 
Everyone wants to know they are doing well and once they know they are doing what they are supposed to be doing, they will make sure they keep it up. No one ever says, “No, stop telling me I’m doig great.”
You need to be the biggest cheerleader of your ministry and leaders. If you don’t celebrate well, when it comes to a time to really celebrate, you and your team will miss it because it’s on to the next thing. Don’t miss out on taking a moment and celebrate.