
Let me go a little more practical to yesterday’s post. I wrote about the power of an invitation and it it’s vital in developing student leaders. It’s as simple as making these types of statements:

“Jason, I’ve been watching you at youth group and I’ve got to tell you that I’m thrilled that you care so much to stay after and help clean up. I know it’s a little thing, but I that’s called servant-leadership. You’re a leader and I’d like to invite you to meet with myself and some other leaders.”

“Kara, I notice how every time we gather you are quick to greet visitors and make the uncomfortable feel comfortable. You’re as good at that as anyone I’ve seen. You are a leader in this ministry and I’d like to talk to you about how we might make that a more significant leadership role.”

“Jake, I’m taking a few people to a leadership conference in southern California this summer and I’d like you to go. I see something in you that I’m not sure you see in yourself. You’re a leader! I’d love to provide an opportunity to help develop your gifts. I want you to prayerfully consider it.”

I’m not asking you to create another program that you need to plan for. This isn’t another curriculum to follow. It’s a simple action. Inviting teenagers to become something they may not know that they are. It’s not pointing out the obvious and highlighting the cute, fun and popular. It’s identifying servant-leaders who have potential and pointing it out.

Who is that one kid in your youth group that you can ask this week? Then, be on the look out for the next kid. One at a time you invite teenagers to discover that they can be leaders. Years from now they’ll be thanking you for seeing and saying something.

If we can help—please consider joining us this summer—July 5-8 (only $99 which includes meals—cheapest training you can find).
