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6 Nov 2023

Creative Ideas for Indoor Youth Ministry

By |2023-11-06T06:58:45-08:00November 6th, 2023|Youth Ministry Ideas|10 Comments

As it gets colder outside, you probably are going to start thinking that doing indoor events is the way to go. You’ve had your fun fall festival and annual bonfire, but now it’s just too cold to be outside! Or maybe it’s been snowing in your state for the last two months. I don’t know how snow works; I live in Texas. If you do find yourself retreating indoors because your students complain about the cold, here are some tips on how to have some great indoor events!

Learn to be creative with your space

If you were lucky enough to have a youth room, think of some ways that you can spice up your space for an event. Maybe you can move the orientation of the room. Perhaps you could put a projector on a different wall than normal. You might even ask a couple of adults to come in and decorate the place for you. Whenever you do an event that’s outside your normal programming, it could be a chance to make your space feel really different. Go for it!

Take what you do before youth group and AMP IT UP

Do your students like playing video games before you get started? Do they go play nine square in your church gym? If you’re looking for an idea of an event to host, maybe you could take one of those things that you normally do and really amp it up to make it a big deal. My students were constantly asking to have a Smash Brothers tournament. What a great event to really buy into what students were excited about. Or maybe you could play volleyball if you’re one of those lucky youth pastors who have a gym to meet in. You can think of a whole bunch of different ways to make volleyball crazy and exciting. Use a giant 6-foot-wide beach ball. Make it teams of 20. You’ve got a lot of options!

Meet in a different spot in your building

If the event you’re trying to do can take place in a different space in your building, why not take advantage of that? Instead of meeting in the youth room, consider meeting in the fellowship hall or the gym. Giving your students a chance to switch things up might put them in a different mindset and allow them to think about whatever it is you’re trying to do with your event. Familiarity can be good, but putting students in a different space can also open them up to thinking differently!

Be a good steward of your building; clean up afterwards!

Last, but not least, if you’re meeting inside at your church, be considerate to the people who have to come behind you and clean it up, or to the people whose room you’re borrowing for the evening. Make sure you plan to have people help you clean after the event. I always struggled with that and thought that I would just clean it all up myself. Don’t do this! Ask people specifically to help you clean up so that you don’t come in the next day to a trashed youth room or an angry email from the cleaning crew.

Do you have any other ideas? I’d love to hear them! Comment down below or reach out. You’ve got this!

Also, if you’re looking for a few ideas for indoor events, check out the resources below.

Get your students thinking with this fun interactive game!

All students need for this one is their phone and the instructions on the screen. Super fun!

7 Aug 2023

Starting the Fall Off Right!

By |2023-08-07T08:55:53-07:00August 7th, 2023|Youth Ministry Ideas|3 Comments

Fall is finally upon us, and if you’re anything like me, you’re buzzing with excitement for what this new season holds for your student ministry. There’s something inherently invigorating about the start of the school year – new faces, fresh enthusiasm, and endless opportunities for growth in faith. So, how do we harness this energy and create an unforgettable fall kick-off for our students? Let’s dive into some tips to help you make the most of this exciting time!

Seize the Moment: Plan a Memorable Kick-Off

The start of the school year is a golden opportunity to create a memorable kick-off event. Whether you’re dedicating an entire evening or even an entire month to the kick-off, make it a big deal! Organize engaging activities, games, and maybe even a theme that resonates with your students. This sets the tone for the rest of the season and builds anticipation.

Set the Course: Reset Goals and Cast Vision

As you welcome both new and returning students, take the time to reset your goals and cast a clear vision for the year ahead. Ensure that everyone in your student ministry knows the ‘why’ behind what you’re striving for. This could involve sharing your ministry’s purpose, goals, and values during the kick-off event. A strong sense of purpose can fuel enthusiasm and commitment among your students.

Facilitate Connections: Highlight Opportunities to Engage

Fall is all about restarting and building new routines, so emphasize the various opportunities for students to connect and get involved. During the kick-off, make it crystal clear how they can plug into small groups, service projects, worship teams, and any other activities your ministry offers. Provide sign-up sheets or online forms to streamline the process and ensure everyone can find their place in the community.

Capture the Magic: Document the Kick-Off

In the whirlwind of events, it’s easy to forget to capture the special moments. Make an effort to document your fall kick-off with plenty of photos and even videos. Not only do these mementos serve as heartwarming reminders for the students, but they can also be wonderful to look back on as they move up or graduate in the future. Plus, sharing these memories on social media can help build a buzz for your ministry and attract even more students.

Nurture Lasting Relationships

Remember, a successful fall kick-off isn’t just about the event itself; it’s about building lasting relationships. Encourage your leadership team to be intentional about forming connections with both new and returning students. Whether it’s through one-on-one conversations, mentoring programs, or casual hangouts, creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere can help students feel valued and supported.

So there you have it, fellow youth pastors – a roadmap to creating an amazing fall kick-off for your student ministry! This is a season of renewed energy and eager hearts, and by implementing these strategies, you can set the stage for a year full of growth, community, and spiritual development.

Remember, each student who walks through your doors is on a unique journey, and your role is to guide, encourage, and inspire them as they navigate their faith. Have an incredible fall kick-off, and may this season be one of transformation and abundant blessings for both you and your students.

Need a game to kickstart your fall?

Get your group up and active in this classic game that will have students grouping up and performing festive actions.

Have your students up and milling around. You will show a number and a school-themed action on the screen. Participants then need to get in groups (aka “clumps”) that match the number and perform the action displayed. If you play it as an elimination game, the last group to form, or without enough people to form the group, is out.

Click here to download and play!

29 Jan 2018

Introducing … the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network!

By |2018-01-29T22:39:13-08:00January 29th, 2018|Podcast|2 Comments

We’re thrilled to announce the creation of the DYM Podcast Network! We’re starting out with 6 shows about many corners of youth ministry, with many more on the way!

The Download Youth Ministry Podcast is our flagship show hosted by Doug Fields, Josh Griffin, Katie Edwards and Jason Carson. The longest-running show in youth ministry, with over 325 episodes for you to endure … er, enjoy. One hour, your questions, our thoughts. Just enough youth ministry so you don’t feel guilty for listening.

Youth Ministry Hacks – A 20-episode show with tips and tricks to help you do youth ministry better. Hosted by Justin Knowles and Matt Ferrer.

Mentor Me – Josh Griffin and Doug Fields interview the leading voices in youth ministry. Show every 2 weeks!

My Third Decade – Derry Prenkert starts his third decade in youth ministry and shares his stories, wisdom and insight twice a month.

15 Minutes with Frank – Frank Gil hosts a fifteen minute podcast about youth ministry, what he did last night, what he’s into and what is working and not working. Lots to love, with 50 shows to catch up on in his archive as well!

What It Is, What It Means – a podcast from Jeff and Shara BAuchman about youth ministry and pop culture. What it is, and what it means to your youth ministry.

We’ve got more shows on the way (and many other requests, too!) including junior high ministry, women in ministry, ministry spouses, married to youth ministry and so much more! If you’re interested in joining the podcast family, please send us a link to your show today!


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