Summer Camp Leader Survival Bag

By |2024-06-03T06:34:29-07:00June 3rd, 2024|Youth Ministry Ideas, youth mission trips|9 Comments

Summer is upon us!

Which means camp is probably here soon (or next week!). You’ve got leaders ready to go with you on the trip. They aren’t your normal adults. They’re the ones who have a week of vacation they’re willing to burn, or they’re stay-at-home moms or retired seniors who like students enough to spend a week with them. But is there a way you can show them that you care about them and want to thrive during the week of summer camp?

I present to you: the Camp Leader Survival Bag.

What a great way to let leaders know you love them, are thankful for them and want them to have a great week of camp! It doesn’t have to be big, but it can have a big impact. Here some ideas of what you can put inside!

Earplugs – Needs no explanation.

Sleep mask – Do the cabins have blinds? NO? Cool.

Favorite snack and drink – text them and ask or have them fill out a quick Google form survey

Clorox wipes – You don’t know where that student has been

OTC Pain Reliever – We’re not young anymore. That’s why we’re CHAPERONES!

Leader Journal – They’ll have thoughts. Good and bad. Give them a place to write them out!

Sunscreen – It’s hot out there

Bugspray – Mosquitos are evidence of the fall. I’m sure of it.

Electrolytes – For adding to your water bottle that you definitely remembered.

Gum – You endeavor to brush your teeth, but camp happens.

Icy Hot Patches – You know. You know, you know.

Put all of it in a swag bag with your student ministry logo and look like a rockstar! Got any other ideas? I’d love to hear them!

Do YOU need a summer survival kit? DYM has got you covered! Grab this kit to get started right! Click this to find out more!

Need some ideas and resources to help you with summer programming? We’ve got you covered! Need help to prepare your leaders for summer camp? Check. It’s in here. Wondering what series to teach? Not to worry! This pack has got it all and more!

  • Summer Events Canva Graphics 6-Pack: Help plan your summer with ease using this event graphics 6-Pack which includes slides, Instagram Story & grid posts that you can customize on Canva!
  • Known: Discovering Our Identity in Christ: A 4-week series on our identity, value, and purpose in Christ.
  • Summer Camp Counselor Toolkit: If you run a summer camp or even just attend one and want some sweet pre-made resources for your counselors, then this is the tool kit for you.
  • Total Event Prep Kit: A resource to help leaders plan, execute & evaluate an event