I have a hard time being patient waiting for the next thing. I’m not a sustainer. I’m an entrepreneur, a builder, a pioneer. I don’t wait well. My eyes wander for more and bigger crowd what’s next. I continually fight my brokenness and insecurities inside that want to be recognized for achievements and accolades and accomplishments. To stay focused on today seems like a waste.
This simple phrase has become one of my life mantras:
Bloom where you’re planted.
I find myself uneasy about my current situation. I think about what’s next at the expense of today. I don’t focus my energy and passion in the present, and I think that’s a mistake. Here’s why:
You are here TODAY
Remember back to when you got the job. It was so vivid, you were so full of vision, anticipation and excitement. They were going to PAY you to do this? What!? But that was then – now there’s frustration with the leadership, the tension with your supervisor and your audience seems impossible to please. Why not start thinking about what’s next? Because God has called you TODAY to THIS place. Serve like you’re going to be there the rest of your life. So love like it, lead like it and refuse to let circumstances distract you from the high calling you’ve been given.Your TOMORROW depends on this moment
Is it time to leave? Maybe so. Is it possible God is removing some of the comforts and passion to help you see His guidance for your next steps? Sure. But know that God has tomorrow taken care of and pray for wisdom and guidance on where you go from here. Trust in Him, don’t manipulate your future or convince yourself you must manage your career and occupation. If you’re unfaithful or fizzle out here it will affect your next step forward, too.
So regardless of what Is next … bloom where you’re planted today! Throw yourself into your mission like it was your first day. Try something new. Break something that is good to fight for it to be made great. Serve with reckless abandon. Run toward that conflict and work to resolve it. Forget about speaking in front of thousands, writing a New York Times best-seller and being the Next Big Thing™. Serve your people. Just bloom.
If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. Luke 16:10 NLT