Help Me With… Admin

By |2018-02-28T10:25:27-08:00February 27th, 2018|Help Me With...|4 Comments

Not all youth workers double as masters of administration. (It’s okay, you’re good at so many other things.) If you’re anything like us, you really love Jesus and you really love teenagers and somehow found yourself in this role that happens to involve a ton of other stuff you aren’t necessarily an expert in.

We want to help make your battle through the youth ministry administrative jungle a little easier. We gathered up some of our favorite resources to help slice through the pain of budgets and scheduling with downloadable resources, blog posts, and podcast episodes. Have no fear, DYM is here. 

Help Me With… Budgeting

Help Me With… Scheduling

Help Me With… Everything Else

Blog posts to help you with all things admin…

We combed through our blog to find the posts that we thought would be most helpful.

Podcasts to help you with all things admin…

We combed through the podcasts in our network to find the episodes that would be most helpful.

From The DYM Podcast:

From Youth Ministry Hacks:

From 15 Minutes with Frank:

Coming soon: a round-up of our most helpful resources on mission trips, student leadership, events, and more.