Didn’t know if you saw this over on the Cushing Daily Citizen, but there’s a neat story about a call into youth ministry. Here’s the opening paragraphs … head there for the rest of the story.
It was as a dream for 17-year-old Brandon Warriax to sign with North Carolina State and later, the Texas Rangers and the LA Dodgers.
But it wasn’t until he listened to the still, small voice in his heart that the shortstop said he found his true calling – praying and preaching.
Baseball, and the various forms of notoriety that the game commands, provides a lot of incentives for young men, Warriax said, but nearly eight years into the career, he called it quits.
“It is not all just parties and stuff like that, but there are certainly a lot of temptations out there,” he said. “When I was a kid, we all attended a Methodist church regularly. That was what we did, but I wasn’t a real Christian until a while later in my life. I always knew I needed God, but I kind of always thought, “Well, I’ll do it later.” It was just something I ran from …”
An April day in 1994 changed everything.
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