Here’s a few of the projects I’ve been working on:

New site skin – we’re reskinning the site giving SYM a new color scheme. We’re moving away from such . Here’s a screenshot of where we’re going. We’ll launch a whole new world then in November that will rock the world, too.

New products – this past week I added several new clothing products and about a half dozen CDs, too. We also relaunched When People Meet Jesus with a new look and some value-added includes.

Product Review – later this week we’re adding a “review this product” footer to all product detail pages. It’ll be automated, and look pretty slick.

Live Help – also in the footer in the product detail pages we’re adding a live person functionality. Should be cool, you can just click on it and it’ll open a chat window with Debbie or Nadim. Great tool to help answer questions and make suggestions for resources that might work in a specific setting.

SJH Video Podcast -This week Kurt’s monthly training jumps into iTunes with a debut at #31 in Religion and Spirituality. Pretty great, isn’t it?

Lots more coming, but some fun highlights from when I actually do work.