One of the highlights of my week is doing the podcast with some of my favorite people in the world… for some of my favorite people in the world.

For 163 episodes (over 5 years) we have created a fun & helpful podcast that has served our youth ministry peers and given Matt, Josh, Katie & I an excuse to get together, laugh, and talk youth ministry.

Episode 163 is the final show that will be sponsored by Simply Youth Ministry (for your enjoyment or disdain, it’s posted below), but it WON’T be our final show.

WHAT’S THE FUTURE for this podcast? GREAT QUESTION! It WILL continue! With my changing involvement with SYM, it’s not fair to have them pay for the hosting service as well as all the many other costs that make it possible. So, we’ll seek donations and show sponsors and get back as soon as possible so you can….

“Experience just enough youth ministry so you don’t feel guilty listening at work.”

Update: I just bought us a video camera and made the very first Pay Pal donation toward the rest of the equipment. When we raise the needed money we’ll get started again (we think it should be within a few weeks).

If you’d like to donate to the podcast (and we’re only expecting the regulars to chip-in… not those who aren’t part of the current “team”) please go HERE and hit the “donate” button. Over the years, we’ve got thousands of emails and we’re hoping some will translate into financial help.

If you’d like to be contacted about being one of the show’s sponsors, send an email to mailto:[email protected]. FYI: thru all the channels of distribution, we’ve been told there were up to 25,000 monthly downloads (meaning a lot of people listen/watch and/or have no real life). We think it’s a show worth sponsoring!

Laughs were shared, people were helped, youth groups strengthened, and new relationships built. If you are one of our many family/team members, make sure you get on the NEW podcast email list and we’ll keep you informed. To get on the list, GO HERE.

You are loved and we can’t wait to return,

Matt McGill (The “Future of the church”)
Katie Edwards (The Queen)
Josh Griffin (The assistant to the assistant host & shameless promoter of…cha-ching)…and
Yours truly…


Question: If you are a “team member” what’s your favorite podcast moment?

[And, don’t say it was the Natalie-I-didn’t-know-the-camera-was-on moment.] Leave a comment HERE.