We’ve all had those nights where we wonder, “Did anything I stay stick?” Nothing can be more frustrating than wondering if what you said was heard.


It might have been after a message you delivered to the students.  It could be in a conversation during their small groups.  We want to know what we say matters.

To make your message stick takes work, and practice. That might seem like a lot to ask, but it’s worth it.  To get your point across and make sure you are heard:


The better you listen the better you will communicate. When you listen you learn about your audience.  For them to listen you need to know what’s important and what’s relevant.  That only comes from listening and learning about others.


Pausing creates tension.  Tension grabs people’s attention.  Before delivering a message don’t be afraid to start with silence. This will allow people to gain focus.

In a small group don’t be afraid to pause after a question.  This will allow people to process what you are saying.  The reason things might not stick is because you are rushing from one point to the next.


It’s possible to teach too much. Before delivering a message answer the questions:

  • What do I want them to know?
  • What do I want them to do?

When you answer those questions focus on the answers. When you communicate everything nothing will stick.


People tend to tune out poor communicators. Practicing in your head and aloud is essential.  This will help you get the pace, tone and articulation down.

Give yourself more than 20 minutes to rehearse. If you are a communicator make it one of the most important things you do all week.  People will not only listen to but follow a good communicator.

Making your message stick doesn’t mean you have to think outside the box.  It’s about bringing it to a level of excellence and understanding your audience

What communication tips have picked up along the way?


