This is fascinating 4 minutes of video! Lady Gaga making an admission of her feeling like a loser. Many of the teenagers in our youth groups see her as one of the most famous people in the world and Lady Gaga is simply a little girl…a little girl who hasn’t grown up. Many teachable moments captive in this clip!

If you choose to watch this video, listen for:

1. The broken, little, young teen who hasn’t grown up, is occupying an adult body, and desperately trying to be someone. It’s kind of sad.
2. The prayer she prays. It’s kind of interesting.
3. The “S” word—it’s used 3 times. WARNING: If you’ll be offended, don’t listen. It’s kind of ironic.

Lady Gaga Presents: Gaga Revealed by HBO

(thanks to brit windel)

So, what do you think? How might you use this in your youth ministry?