Fall kickoff is usually the biggest event for our ministry. We see students that have never come before, and others that we see only on rare occasions. It is a funny thing to have a surge of momentum right at the beginning of the year and then see it drop off (sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly).

This year we are trying a few different things to keep the ball rolling. We have added some new volunteers with a variety of personalities. My hope is that by bringing in new people to serve in our ministry, our students will have more people to gravitate towards. As much as I hate admitting it, some students downright don’t jive with my personality. But, that is okay, I can give them other people to connect with. I can lead them by leading their leader.
The second thing I have done is to try to connect with parents more. I have always had seasons where I am great with parents and others where they fall off my radar. This year I have committed to a monthly newsletter (adapted from DYM’s membership newsletter) and to add an extra parent meeting into this school year. My hope is that by making more regular contact with our parents, our ministry will be in the forefront of their minds.
The last thing we have implemented is to have student leadership. We haven’t done this ever at our church, but I think it is needed. By leveraging some of my students I hope to create more buy in and a greater sense of ownership. These bright young students also bring great ideas, new events, and a perspective which I just don’t have right now. I am very excited about this one and look forward to seeing how it turns out.
What are some ways that you keep momentum? What strategies have you put into play this year? What has worked for you in the past?
I am hoping to grow from hearing back from the DYM community!
Kyle Corbin has been serving youth as a volunteer or pastor for over 10 years and blogs exclusively here on LoveGodLoveStudents.com. He is currently the youth pastor at the Bridge Church in North Vancouver B.C. Hit him up on Twitter @CorbinKyle