The start of school is a fresh start for our students. New clothes, new school supplies and another chance to start over at school. I happen to think it is a great time for us, youth workers to try some new things too.

Each Fall, I seem to start to get into a similar ebb and flow…a routine. It can be easy to get in a rut. I posted a list of reminders for myself- things I wanted to be about EVEN when the “routine” takes over my days.





I chose daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly reminders or goals. These goals are about being intentional as a shepherd, staying creative, cultivating relationships and about growing as a leader.

Daily- Praying and caring for students – this year I am focusing on praying for 5 high schools that surround our church.

Weekly- Encouraging leaders and students with written notes – 5 students//5 leaders

Monthly- Celebrating our leaders at our midweek gathering, trying something new in our Sunday programming, read a new ministry book (What are you reading right now?)

Quarterly- Intentional hang time with interns- focusing on the females on the team, review and evaluate our Sunday programming




I’ve hung them above my computer, that way I see them every day and I am reminded of the things that are important in the middle of the chaos.

What are you trying new right now? How do you keep growing in the midst of the craziness of youth ministry? What are specific ways that you remind yourself of your goals?