The Best of 2017 is a collection of lists – best-selling resources, most buzzed about blog posts or products that moved the #youthministry needle this past year. In this edition we carve out the top membership items that are now in the DYM Store. Out of literally a hundred membership items this year, these rose to the very top. Not a member and missed out on these FREE downloads each month? Start your membership today, or at the very least consider grabbing of few of these sure-fire winners:

Best of 2017: Most Popular Membership Item

  1. Welcome to Youth Service
  2. Gif Charades
  3. Odd Man Out
  4. Sirioke: Animated Movies Edition
  5. 7 Video Transition Pack
  6. Fool’s Gold Video

NOTE:  This list chooses to exclude Dead Cat, which one the coveted Game of the Years moniker late last week. Read about it here!