I love work! I really do … I’m called to youth ministry, called to this church, and stinkin’ love what I do. But … I’ve had some great (and sometimes difficult) conversations with influential people in my life recently, and am making some adjustments to my weekly schedule to make room for what matters most. Here are a few of the adjustments:
- No laptop at home, very few exceptions
- No home computer/email until kids are in bed
- Drop off the kids at school every morning
- Arrive 1/2 hour early to the office for solo spiritual time
- Home by 5:15pm during a normal weekday
- Lunch with the family one weekday a week
- Take Thursday mornings off until noon
- Family dinners 4x a week
- Workout 3x a week
- Turning phone off Sunday afternoons
- Monday day off still remains sacred
- Pick up kids one day a week and leave early from the office
- Bring kids to the office for an hour then take them to small groups
- Better communication between home/school calendar
- Reducing the amount of “clutter” activities on the calendar?
Do you need to work less, too?
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