For the last month, I have been having meetings with my small group on our regular meeting nights just so they can get used to being back at school and making group a regular part of their week before our “official launch”. For the most part it has been really relaxed, tonight was the same but with one extra piece. I forgot the power of a simple question has that can turn into a meaningful conversation.

Tonight I asked the guys that were there, “Where is the one area in your life you want to see God move in a big way?

The answers were real, honest and open. Hearing the guys talk about how they want to be used by God or to become closer to God was inspiring and challenging.

As leaders we cannot forget the power of a simple, yet open-ended question. We cannot forget to be intentional in asking these questions, especially in relaxing settings of a hang out type of night. Guards are down, there are no real walls. Just openness and real life. It can be some great conversations with students.

Here are some other questions you can ask to maybe spark some conversations:

  • Where is the one area in your life you want to see God move in a big way?
  • What are you most excited about this year in group and why?
  • Who is one person you can be praying for? Why?
  • What are you most nervous about for this school year?
  • What is do yo want to dive into more this year?
  • What is one area in your faith in your you think you need to work on?