We used to do our weekend teaching series in our youth ministry back-to-back, but recently we’ve been doing more 1-offs in-between series. Is there a strategy, you ask? Kinda-sorta … here are some current thoughts, chime in with yours in the comments, too!
1-Hit-Wonders between teaching series…
… gives you extra time to gear up for what’s next.
I like the space between series because it gives us a chance to breathe. We get a little bit of extra time to work with volunteers on a new stage design, get the word out for an extra week, and let’s everyone let down just a bit. Not that the 1-off’s are throw away by any means, but they are certainly less effort than a series kickoff or finale for sure.
… lets the primary communicator take a weekend off.
Taking a break between series also gives you a chance to take a break. You know that I totally believe in the power of different voices, so why not use the in-between weeks as a way to bring up other communicators. Plus, you need the break for sure.
… allows you to hit topics that aren’t big enough for a whole series.
Building in some 1-hit-wonders to your teaching calendar is a good idea because there are a ton of topics you want/need to cover from God’s Word that simply don’t warrant an entire series. When you work out the big arcs of where you’ll be teaching in the next season, build in some other opportunities to address issues that can be tackled in a week, too.
… it provides an opportunity for you to address current issues/problem areas.
When a current event hits the scene and fits a topic you want to cover, you’ve got a spot for that. When a crisis hits your youth group, you’ve got room to address it. When you see a weakness or blind spot in your ministry, you can jump right on it. Having some “off” weeks will give you a chance to plan for more Spirit-led surprise weekends.
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