Megan is one of my favorite humans on the planet. She is an incredible woman, a wonderful friend, an outstanding youth worker, and a great leader. In addition to those qualities, her highest priorities of following Jesus and loving her family keep her sane and balance. She’s a youth ministry veteran, a conference speaker, an author, and a brand new youth pastor (beginning February 13th). I can easily run out of adjectives describing Megan.

I had the privilege of working side-by-side with Megan in the youth ministry at Saddleback Church for almost 10 years. Firsthand, I watched her build and lead a ministry to hurting kids, recruit and train adult leaders to work with hurting kids, design a program for teenagers and their families, and then lead a national movement called, “Life Hurts, God Heals” (LHGH). Hundreds of churches around the country are following Megan’s lead and implementing the LHGH program (see bottom of this post). Bottom line, Megan is a leader. I asked her the same 4.5 questions that I’ve asked the others. Here are her responses:

1. What is your definition of leadership?

A leader is a person passionately sold out for a cause and they both influence and empower others to follow and serve that cause. A great leader is someone able to see and draw-out the potential in others to accomplish the cause.

2. What’s an important tip you have to share about leading others?

Be authentic. People are more inspired when they know we’re not perfect yet striving to become better.

3. What’s your biggest failure/weakness as a leader?

I am administratively handicapped! I can cast the vision and get people excited about it, but I hate the nitty-gritty details.

4. What do you do to keep growing as a leader?

Mentors. Mentors. Mentors. I seek them out and pursue them. I invite them into my world, both personally and vocationally without hiding. Giving them permission to speak truth into my life and pray over me.

4.5 What is your favorite ____________?

FOOTBALL TEAM? = San Diego Chargers. Okay, it’s not actually mine, but my husband and kids love them! And since he’s watching me type this, I am hoping to get a day at the Spa for mentioning it.

Megan will be speaking at the Simply Youth Ministry Conference in March and our Student Leadership Conference July 5-8.

If you’d like to see the other leadership interviews, you can see Duffy Robbins, Rick Lawrence, or Doug Franklin.

If you’re interested in Megan’s incredible program called Life Hurt, God Heals…here’s the whole deal…click on the box below (in addition to product descriptions, you can see a short video from Megan):
Life Hurts God Heals - Physical

Life Hurts God Heals Starter Bundle – Physical

Life Hurts God Heals Starter Bundle - Physical