We feel better when we have control. At least that’s what we tell ourselves.  Control means:

KNOWING what is going on, BUT not necessarily TRUSTING.

To have control means:

Things meet YOUR expectations, BUT are not at the HIGHEST level.

When you refuse to let go of control:

It feels SAFE at first, BUT your ministry STOPS growing.

The pressure to let go of control of different tasks and responsibilities can be overwhelming. If you want your youth ministry to continue to have an impact it needs to go beyond you.  But that’s easier said than done.

To get on the right path you need to:


Delegation not only grows your ministry it builds trust.  If you can’t pass things off it means you have a trust problem. It’s a trust problem with people and with God.

To change the mindset you need prayer. Ask God to work in your heart. You also need to look at where trust has been broken. If you have a spiritual mentor spend time talking to them, but work at building trust.


When you set goals your desire to delegate becomes more tangible.  Create a timeline of when you want to get certain tasks or obligations off of your plate.  Start with the easiest tasks first.  Each time you successful pass off a task use that momentum to do something bigger.


Many times our week gets filled up with things we could pass off.  The problem is we get stuck in the busyness and think to our selves, “It’s easier to do than to explain.” Slow down the busyness by looking at your schedule.

Look at those essential responsibilities and give them an ideal amount of time. Put in your schedule time for margin and learning.  Anything that doesn’t make the cut put on a list to pass off as soon as possible.


You need people who are going to call you out on being over controlling. These are people who have your permission to talk about the hard stuff.  Go over your week and responsibilities with them. Brainstorm people in your ministry that can take these tasks off your plate.

When you let go of control your ministry will grow in multiple ways. Not only will your numbers and your capacity grow, but so will the trust people have in you to lead. They’ll trust that it’s not just about you and that it’s about the calling God has placed in your life.

What is one thing you’ve struggled the most to delegate?
