I know anger means something slightly different to each of us. As I talk about anger, I’m talking about response we have when our sense of justice has been wronged. We each handle our anger differently, but I want to look at what’s common to all of us.

Think about the last time you were angry. What was it that really flipped the switch?

Anger can be useful. It has to be since we can become angry and not sin, using it as a time to evaluate our hearts (Ps 4:4). Jesus got angry (not often, to be sure). I think anger ought to become a path with a huge sign that says, “HERE BE SOME WISDOM TO BE FOUND.”

We can become more like Jesus: anger doesn’t have to be avoided or endured or denied and repressed. It ought to be examined. In some cases it ought to be embraced (now do you think I’m sick? I am. But that doesn’t mean you should stop reading.).

I love growing and here’s what I love about anger:

1. Anger is pure and without pretense. Anger reveals how we really feel and what we really think. And: The world needs more honesty; more authenticity. More revealing and less concealing.

Beware the angerless, they have discovered nothing important, and therefore have nothing to loose and therefore have nothing to give. The heart may beat, but it’s nothing more than a muscle that pumps a numb mock-mimicry of life.

Anger can only come from one place: priority. The human heart and soul and mind is so very difficult to discern, so tough to know. It is difficult to wade through the confusion that is left in anger’s wake: but it is not trivial.

Make no mistake, God’s name is Jealous, and he wants nothing else to hold our hearts.

When you learn to look, anger will reveal a person’s gods. I want no false gods or idols in my heart. When I know the God or god’s in another person’s heart, I’m prepared to help.

2. Anger is action and rejects apathy. When we’re angry, some part of your brain, releases something I can’t pronounce, into your blood. Your heart beats faster. Your fingers curl, then clutch, into a fist. You can’t sit still. It’s a little different for all of us, of course, but anger THRUSTS US TO a magnificent place called, “THIS HAS GOT TO STOP, NOW.”

Break the cycle, climb out of the rut.

3. Anger is personal and demands response. We need acceptance and fear rejection. I feel like there’s no better time to build a bridge with someone than in the aftermath of their anger (assuming they aren’t angry with me!!). I know you, the real you, and I still love you. Do you know what your closest friends treasure? Is that not a measure of true friendship?

All of these are true most of the time, but some of the time:

Anger is staged and faked
Anger is the cycle and only reinforces more of the same
Anger is settled by a false acceptance

How can you ABNORMALIZE your anger-response?
