Here’s the short highlight video from the Refreshing Your Marriage Conference that Jim Burns and I did a couple months ago at APU.

We’ve already got the dates for next year (Feb. 22-23, 2013)…if you’re interested.

[If you can’t see this in your RSS feed, go here]

Couple thoughts:

1. If you know of anyone who wants to host a marriage conference with Jim and I, shoot [email protected] an email to inquire about possibilities.

2. If you want to join us for the FAM Conference next week (at APU), we’ve got spots and scholarships available. If you’re interested in scholarships, contact [email protected]. It will be an amazing event: George Barna, Dr. Kara Powell, Jim Daily (Focus on the Family), Dr. John Townsend, Shaunti Feldhahn… and many more.