An article in Christianity Today this week talks about the power and benefits of videos in your ministry. Youth ministry is especially mentioned, certainly because many youth workers are early adopters to the technology and introducing new technology into the church. There’s some great advice and recommendations as well, though I would dispute the call for Final Cut and recommend Sony’s basic Vegas for around $70.

Anyhow, here’s a clip, maybe print the article now and give yourself some reading material next time you’re in the bathroom.

Personal stories and testimonies. Anyone can share a personal message with your congregation, while you still maintain control of your service. A three-minute video will not spontaneously go on and on. Many people who would never consider peaking in front of a group will be happy to share via video.

Celebrations, such as graduations, baptisms, welcoming new members, etc.

Training. Create videos that teach how to lead worship, usher, or teach Sunday school. If you bring in a speaker, request permission to capture their message on video for use only within your congregation.

Personal encouragement, such as student profiles, or recognition of achievements in sports, band, art, or business. This is my favorite–especially powerful for children’s and youth ministry. Most videos should last one to four minutes. Less is more in video production. Edit mercilessly. The more experience you have producing ministry videos, the shorter (and usually more effective) they become.