
I am not really a metal rock fan. In fact, until about 4 weeks ago I didn’t even know what it was. Well, I had an idea but I just imagined Metallica…and I am not sure that is correct.

Here is what I do know, there a few of the guys in my youth ministry who are REALLY into it and they want me to like it too. So, one day at camp I sat down with them and they gave me a lesson. It was rather impressive! Did you know there are several kinds of metal rock? Yeah, me neither. They played a variety of songs and types of metal rock. I tried to understand it…I even maybe tried to appreciate it…but it wasn’t going to happen. I asked lots of questions and I tried to sing like they do in metal rock. We laughed. We had kind of a cool moment. I am pretty sure for these guys, I communicated more love than I had ever before because I sat and listened.

While there music sounded like clanging cymbal to me, it reminded me of what Paul said about love.

If I speak in tongues of men and angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

So, here’s a Monday morning thought…

It doesn’t matter how sweet my programs are, how great our worship is…or what kind of amazing youth room we have…or how gifted I am as a speaker…IF I don’t love my students then to them I sound like a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. I sound like Norwegian metal rock (yeah, there is such thing…I just found out!).

Somedays I forget to do just that…to love.

I am inviting you to start this Monday, this week, this season with love. Ask God to fill your heart with love for the students in your ministry, church and community. May his love for us overflow our hearts so that we might love our students better.

As we love our students may God’s love for them transform their lives. Because isn’t that why we do what we do?