This is a great free resource from Pretty incredible. So make sure you go check them out. It is a great website that has a ton of great resources.

free stuff from ym360

At ym360 everything we do falls under one of these four things:

  • Bible Study Resources
  • Training
  • Community, and
  • Networking

When we say “networking,” what we mean is shining a spotlight on other ministers or ministries doing awesome stuff. We don’t believe in competitors. We believe in ministry partners. We love sharing great resources, whether their ours or not!

Today’s one of those days where we get to share great resources from some of our friends.

If you know LeaderTreks you know they do amazing mission trips and student leadership resources. (You may also know that we’ve partnered with LeaderTreks to create one of the coolest resources around, DNow Online. It’s a perfect solution for your Disciple Now, Retreat weekend, or Summer Camp content needs.) They also give away awesome FREE stuff. And today, they’re giving away 50 Freebies! The 50 Freebies feature assessments, team building initiatives, illustrations, Bible studies, and activities.

Simply click on the image below to head on over to LeaderTreks and access your 50 Freebies.


Oh, the other thing LeaderTreks is really good at is taking care of their customers. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.