
Weekend Teaching Series: Wisdumb (series finale, week 3 of 3)
Sermon in a Sentence: The 3 big areas teenagers usually don’t apply wisdom.
Service Length: 88 minutes

Understandable Message: This weekend we continued to go up against homecomings for our local high schools but thankfully this is the last weekend of that! Our student Ministries pastor Kurt Johnston taught this weekend on the 3 big areas that students typically fail to apply wisdom – friendships, money and time. He did a great job conneting passages from Proverbs and his own personal stories to help students understand Biblical direction in each of these 3 areas. Fun having him teach our students.

Element of Fun/Positive Environment: We had a fun game this weekend called Top Pick – a Family Fued style game that we surveyed students about youth group, Halloween and more. It was really fun and had everyone laughing. A huge part of a successful game is a strong host, and Colton did a great job improving the game as it wet along. Lots of students greeting, running Propresenter and such – though missing a few core students who were out on our Student Leadership Retreat, too. Great weekend.

Music Playlist: Let It Be Known, Sinking Deep, With Everything

Favorite Moment: I had set up a testimony of a student this weekend who had made some tough choices with friends that led her down the wrong path last year. She did a wonderufl job, very honest, sharing about the importance of friends and it was awesome to see how far she has come since being so far off of God’s path just a short time ago. Proud of Makenna! 

Up next: Worship Together Weekend – November