I realize some are thinking, “It’s about time to you write about a day of sex! Monday Minimize wasn’t about sex. Tuesday Talk was about connection and listening—no sex. Wednesday Words still has me thinking too much about what to say, and there was no mention of sex. I’m glad you’re finally hitting your stride and writing about something that can happen every day…right? (Isn’t that the purpose of this Marriage Week on your blog—something simple we can do every day?”)

You’re welcome….. Today is Touch Thursday.

Before we get too crazy and immediately jump to sex, let’s consider this strange phenomenon called “NON-SEXUAL touch.” Apparently, it’s a big deal for some. Personally, I don’t think it’s as much fun, but it is important–simple affection, holding hands while driving, a “just because I care about you” back rub, sitting closely… these are non-sexual touching opportunities that communicate sincere value. Definitely a bigger deal to Cathy than me.

When Cathy and I celebrated our one-year anniversary in 1986 we were reviewing the highs/lows of the year and she gracefully made a comment, “I wish you would hug me longer. You’re not a very good hugger.” This declaration was met with a puzzled look. She quickly said, “I’m not talking about hugs that you’re hoping lead to something–you’re good at those hugs. I’m talking about non-sexual hugs.” Honestly, I didn’t know there was such a thing.

I had to train myself in something that I thought was “little” but was really a “big deal” to Cathy. 26 years later, I’m still working on it.

Thankfully, Thursday Touch is not just about non-sexual touch. I’m a big believer in a lot of sexual touch too.

Sex is God’s incredible design for married couples! Marital pleasure was His idea! He was the creative genius behind sex, touch, pleasure and marriage. Yeah God!

Sexual touch probably isn’t realistic for every day of marriage (unless you’re a 15 year old boy dreaming of what marriage will be like), but Touch can be present every day—sexual or non-sexual.

Question: I couldn’t think of a good question. I reverted to junior high boy humor… so, submit a question. What do you want to know (or discuss in a thread)? Start it here and let’s chime in (anonymous is always an option).


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